Chapter 5

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Slicing through Titan after Titan, a young female not older than 20 glided through the battle fields following in tow after her Squad Leader's built back.

"(L/N)! Two abnormals ahead! Get ready!" her Captain shouted, making the woman withdraw her blades as she replaced them with new sharper ones.

"Yes Sir!"

"(Y/N) if you're getting tired--" the blonde beside her started but was interrupted by the [c] haired woman drawing her swords forward.

"I'm not Erwin!" she said as she winked at the poor worried male beside her.

(Y/N) had developed a rare respiratory illness when they were younger. The young lady would always end up having long painful attacks in the middle of fighting making Erwin concerned about her well-being at all times.

He wouldn't want to loose his only childhood friend; the only one who never thought of him as a weirdo, the only one who had always listened to his every opinion and rant about his late father's theories.

More so, he had seen how tortured the look on her [c] face was as she gasped for breathe with such difficulty.

It was the blonde's nightmare, it was something he couldn't bare watching. He could watch his comrades get eaten by Titans again and again but would later get used to this however the sight of his good friend's cruel torment was something he would never be used to.

Keeping his blue hues gaze ahead, his peripheral vision had never left (Y/N)'s determined form as she zoomed through the forest with the whole squad.

Slashing another Titan, Erwin's eyes widened in fear as his peripheral saw how his [c] haired friend stopped midair grasping her chest.

When had she gotten so far?

Erwin zoomed and almost used half of his gas in order to catch her falling figure yet the action proved to be a futile attempt. Watching her small figure fell hard to the ground rendering her unconscious.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled as he let himself fall as his cables supported his body down, failing to notice an incoming Titan.

Their squad leader noticing this, yelled, giving an order to the nearest before him:

"Muller! Prevent Smith from reaching the ground!"

The assigned soldier then grabbed the blonde from the collar making Erwin shout in protest.


"That was a 20 meter fall! No one can survive that!"

"She's having her attack--"

"Smith just give it up! Allot of soldiers' lives had also been sacrificed--!"

"No Captain she's still alive!"

Erwin was shouting in rage now as he figured a way to escape his comrade's grasp.

His eyes then looked at where her figure was making him struggle harder seeing a Titan now approaching her motionless body.
His comrade was practically hugging him now in an attempt to stop the blonde from risking his life for the fallen woman.

Suddenly a figure of a woman dashed in action retrieving (Y/N)'s unconscious body.


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