Chapter 4

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"So... Why don't you three tell us more about yourselves?... If it's alright, that is." (Y/N) smiled at the three making them look at each other as if having their own quiet conversation.

After a couple of seconds, Levi made a small, almost unnoticeable nod making Isabel smile widely facing their team Captain.

"We aren't really as bad as everyone thought you know!" the strawberry haired female exclaimed proudly making (Y/N) chuckle at her giddiness.

"I doubt you even were in the first place." she simply said resting her chin on her hand.

"Well about that..." Farlan started, his fingers fumbling with the hem of his vest.

"Don't misunderstand... We were in fact, some shitty underthugs. Stealing was our everyday shit of an excuse of living. We stole those 3D Maneuver shits from the shitty Military Police so that stealing can be more easier." Levi interrupted making Isabel and Farlan's gazes fall on their hands in guilt, he however, paid no mind to this, his gaze stuck at his captain's black orbs.

"Well... If I were in your position, I'm might've been the same." she answered looking at his as well after placing both of her hands on Farlan's and Isabel's hair ruffling it in the process.

"So don't feel guilty! It's all behind us now right? And after all, you three are here now because of those experiences that made you recodnized. The only thing you have to do now is to live your new lives never looking back to those crimes, cuz' you don't need it to survive here don't you!"

Wrong. In order to climb themselves into the cruel chains of the world, in order to survive the privilege of even seeing the skies, in order to escape the clutches of the past... a crime must be committed.

In the end, crime will always be the answer for people like them.

Levi scoffed at the woman's innocence of the world beyond those threats from the titans.

Will she be able to say those things if she knew?

Yet it made the male think, what if he did fight from the clutches of crime, what if he looked for another way to help them survive, to help them live? Those questions continued to linger at the back of his mind, unanswered.

This was the only way...

" I hope you three remember to keep this a secret alright?" (Y/N)'s chirp made Levi abandon his thoughts again, taking a sip from his already cooling tea.

He watched Farlan's and Isabel's smiling faces as they nodded their heads enthusiastically.

The two seemed to have already trusted the female making him question himself to why was he still doubtful up until now that the only thing the woman did was to do them good.

Taking his last sip, he thought of an answer. It was merely because he was dubious of how (Y/N) was acting with such kindness, it made him question: what was the reason behind it all?

Living for years in the underground with no one to trust but themselves and even kindness was considered a weakness made Levi very confused and doubtful of (Y/N)'s actions.

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