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Kyle “Steel Belly” Hoghart.

If you ever needed a better example of the cliché college jock, he just arrived. He always finds a way to “arrive”.

See. Kyle grew up in Texas on a farm with his dad. His mom divorced his dad when he was only three but lost a court case attempting to gain custody of him. He wasn’t really aware of the significance of the decision at the time but let’s just say if he lived with his mom, he’d most likely be a budding musician.

Kyle’s father was probably his biggest influence growing up. They would do everything together. From gathering the hay to feeding all the farm animals, you name it, they did it. The most important of all probably being football.

Kyle played American football since he was old enough to hold the ball. He won several accolades over the years and crowned his high school career with a state championship and a scholarship to university.

Throughout his first year in varsity he made a name for himself on and off the field. When he wasn’t playing football, he was partying and vice versa.

This is weird actually.

His story isn’t that long or dramatic.
I guess the drama in his life is still on it’s way.

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