No Air [Angst]

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San sighed again for what seemed like the sixth time in an hour as he wiped down the counter. He was in a mood,  and when San was in a mood, it was best for anyone not to get in his way. Hongjoong kept a watchful eye on him from a distance, just to make sure he was okay, stealing glances as he took orders. Jongho has opted to just ignore him completely after getting snapped at when he asked where the extra cups had been put that morning. Neither of them had the nerve to ask why San was so upset today, but Hongjoong had made sure that San knew that he was there for him if he did end up wanting to talk about it. Sometimes when San was pouty, there wasn't any reason at all.

The reason San was so pissed off today, however, was because of Wooyoung. Or rather, Wooyoung's lack of being able to take care of himself. The boy had continued to forget to eat and drank more than three coffees a day. And while Yeosang was the voice of reason when they hung out together, he had a sweet tooth so they'd often share ice creams or jelly candies. On multiple occasions San had to take care of Wooyoung as he'd gotten sick or had anxiety from it. It really hurt San in the heart, seeing Wooyoung like that.

The other night, Wooyoung had again made himself sick because he'd had one too many Americano and was whining to San about it, and San had blown up at him. San loved Wooyoung a lot. With all his heart, but he also worried a ton and he would worry a ton less if Wooyoung wasn't  going the right way to give himself some stomach ulcers from all that coffee he consumed on a daily basis.

Wooyoung had blown up right back at him and they'd argued until midnight when San finally stomped out of Wooyoung's apartment and drove himself home. San had cursed him out, and Wooyoung had cried. Wooyoung didn't see what the huge deal was- he liked coffee, and if this was what came with it, so be it. It was the price to pay for getting his fix. He felt that it was just a part of him and he needed it to feel right. 

San wished his boyfriend understood why he was mad in the first place. He knew he was taking away something Wooyoung loved. But Wooyoung also loved him. He didn't want Wooyoung to choose fucking coffee over himself. He really wished that his boyfriend cared about his health. He knows that Wooyoung would be upset if San didn't care for himself, so why is this any different? Why could Wooyoung seemingly not see this?

San sighed a seventh time and threw his wash cloth down in the sink with a wet plop. He stomped to the back room and took out his phone to see if Wooyoung had texted him at all. Of course he did. He didn't answer any of them though, despite wanting to make sure Wooyoung was okay. He was petty, and he needed Wooyoung to realize that he was being childish.


Wooyoung whined and kicked the leg of the chair in his kitchen. San was ignoring him and he knew it. He didn't understand why San was so pissed off at him. He couldn't help it if he liked coffee. Why was San trying to tear him away from something that he liked? That seems extremely unfair. He curled his lips in a pout and flopped down on the chair, tilting his head back as he sighed heavily. He missed his boyfriend. He missed San's dimples when he smiled. The sweet tinkle of his giggle. He pouts even deeper, feeling anxiety bubble up under his skin. He felt restless like this.

His thoughts went back to the events from last night and he found the tears welling up in his eyes again and his throat felt like it was choked up. The look on San's face had really rattled him, and the way San had blown up, really hurt. Wooyoung felt hurt that San had cursed him out.

"Fuck.." Wooyoung says to nobody and huffs, laying his head down on the table. He whines and closes his eyes, fingers tapping absently on the wood. He really fucking missed San.


Wooyoung was laying on his bed, legs spread out and arm over his stomach. He pouted, eyes looking up at San. He'd been feeling weird and shaky all evening after they'd gotten back from the cafe, and he was whining for San's comfort. San had made him a chamomile tea and had him lay down.

He's An Addict  [San x Wooyoung] [Coffee Shop AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant