Chapter 21

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Michonne came walking in from the back. I jump up and hugged her wether she liked it or not "Michonne!" She wrapped her arms around me and swayed back and forth "I missed you. Have you seen anyone?" Michonne put her face in my hair "I missed you too sugar, I missed you too." I pulled away and went to gets cup of water. Carl and Michonne engulfed in a hug as I walked away.

Carls POV

"Dammit!" Michonne laughed a bit along with me "What happened?" Amerlynn came in a threw her flannel on the floor. "I ripped me shirt, my favorite shirt!" I took my flannel from my waist and handed it to Amber "Take it you'll freeze without it all you got is a tank top." Amber shook her head "Youll freeze with out it." "I have another shirt mines not a tanktop." Michonne looked at Amb "Thanks Carl."
Michonne walked in the kitchen with a white shirt on. I started laughing "Do you have something to say about my extremely comfortable and sexy shirt?" I laugh "No... You missed a.." Michonne buttoned her shirt and said "I was about to say you can't be saying nothing you gave your shirt to Amb. Who's rocking it." Amberlynn called out "I heard my name whatcha talking about?" Michonne sat down. "I wish we had some soy milk right now." I give her a crazy look "Are you serious?" Her eyes widen "Yes! Have you every tried it?" "Yes it was gross. My friend and third grade couldn't have dairy, but he always brought that soy stuff. And one day I tried it." "And what happened?" "I throw up. Well I didn't throw up but I was like." I started making gagging nosies "Aye are you talking bout Charles Doc and his nasty soy milk?" Amber yelled "Yeah. I would rather have powdered milk then that. I'd rather have Judith's formal." I stopped myself read on the verge of tears, quickly I stood up "I'm going to go finish my book. See how many chapters I have left." I got up and rushed away.

Amberlynns POV

I went up stairs to check up on Carl. So I limped up the stairs and into the room he was in. He's sad he said something about Judith. The thought of what could've happened to Judith brings tears to my eyes. I went to to see Carl crying, like I thought. I went and sat next to Carl "Hey Carl you okay?" He shook his head "I said something about Judith." A tear rolled down his face "It's my fault she's gone." I wipe a tear away then remembered what Hershel always said we don't have time to be sad. We all got jobs to do. "Carl don't say that." he stood up and helped me up. I turned and sat on the TV stand in the bed room. I know this isn't what I should be thinking right now, but Carl looks good. Carl slowly made his way toward me, he put his fourhead on mine. I started kissing all of his face, I just didn't kiss his lips. He started giggling a place his lips on mine, he leaned forward pushing me into to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he leaned forward more, but he leaned so far forward I fell back on the TV but before I fell with the TV Carl grabbed my waisted closing any gap between us. "I'm sorry Amber." I started laughing, "Maybe next time we wouldn't mackout on the TV stand." Carl started laughing "Mackout?" "Yeah it's making out but I say mackin out." A knock came on the door "Sorry to budge in on this but the three of us are going on a run." Michonne said Carl slowly put me on the ground "Uh yeah we'll be down." Michonne nodded and walked out. Me and Carl looked at each other and laughed.

Shadow of my innocence (Carl grimes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora