Facts about mi pt. 2

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1. Arafuckingselli

2. Aries babyyy

3. spiders, failure, people. scary ass people.

4. my bed, sleep, food

5. my bed

6. lame n*****z -playboi cahti 🥰

7. loyalty, good sense of humor, dark sense of humor (i laugh about the most unfunniest and seriousness of things), honesty

8. not being honest, no sense of humor...um...

9. LMFAO dark blue

10. none except my ears 🙃 (i want a nose piercing ;(

11. no tumblr

12. dead

13. i want food.

14. in a relationship

15. ....wut

16. I have too many now, but my all time favorite since I was like 6 was Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007) LMFAO

17. too many 😉

18. eh

19. people tryna see wut I'm doing on me phone, people jumping to conclusions, and false accusations

20. food, good grades, shopping

21. their loo- their personality 🥰

22. i miss....my dick

23. love?!!!!!!!

24. guud guud

25. Christmas or thanks giving babyyy

26. ah haha tf

27. 😐

28. I've tasted alcohol and almost threw up (I was 12 SKSKSKSKSSKSKSKSKKSKSKSK) it was just a lil sip 😬

29. my small siblings, leaving my room door opened, people talking to me when I first wake up


31. none :( (my parents "don't wanna take care of them")

32. my location

33. my mental state BECAUSE IM LOSING MY MIND

34. so I was in 4th grade right ? and i was playing kickball w my friends and there was a big ass puddle . so when I went to get the ball, i slipped and fell into the water . i was like 4 feet tall bro my clothes looked like I peed myself ;(. the office gave me extra small ass pants and I was flooding for the whole day ;)

35. my room. in my dreams.

36. what it feels like to go outside. ive never related before

37. i lie when there is no reason to lie, i bite my nails,  and procrastination

38. be successful, go to a good college, have my dream job

39. my future and what size dick I have

40. forever 21, PINK, H&M etc.

41. too many 💀

42. absolutely nothing

43. being useless

44. in a cozy house, watching Netflix and eating snacks in the dark 🙂

45. playboi cahti



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^thass me y'all 🥰

47. ...heh ?

48. i want a loud house like my own so..like 5 or 6 kids 💀

49. i wish 🤩

50. any cuestions ?

51. oh bonus !

^wut people think of me: people think im mean and spoiled when they first see me but im like the nicest person ever 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

nah jk I really am a bitch sometimes. bye.

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