4. The Problem

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Somewhere near the end of 1995

Ginny's POV:

So it turns out that... Neville had not asked somebody yet and was planning to ask me!

I am going with Harry and Neville asked me just before the ball!

Like, Neville get a grip! Everybody's taken!

Now I had to find him a match in under a hour! How? I don't know.

So everybody in Gryffindor was taken, same in Hufflepuff and he did not want to go with a Slytherin!

That leaves Ravenclaw!

I asked him if he had a crush on anyone.... and he replied...

"Neville, do you like anyone! Anyone is any house?" I asked.

"Well... yes but I think she is taken! She is a very sweet girl you see!" he replied.

I think I knew who it was! The girl I hung out with a lot! He did too!

"Who is it? We can try! Is she in Ravenclaw?"

"Uh.. yes! It's umm... uh.... Luna."

"Well that's amazing! Let's go see if she has a date!"

And we went! We knocked on the portrait and Luna herself opened!

"Oh hello! What brings the Gryffindors to the Ravenclaws? Come in!" she said softly.

Such a sweet girl!

"Oh no! It's fine! Just a small question! Do you have a date to the ball?" I asked.

"No! Nobody asked me and I did not want to go if nobody did! I just started reading the new edition of the Quibbler!"

"Well I th-" I said as Neville interrupted me!

"Umm... well Luna would you like to go... go to the ball with me?" Neville asked.

You could tell he was nervous! Boy I could I see his hands all sweaty.

"Sure! That would be amazing! I actually have a dress already! It's yellow and blue. I'll come out soon! You can go." Luna replied.

"I will leave you two." I told Neville in a whisper and went off!

Harry's POV:

I was quite nervous to be honest!

My messy hair will be messy forever! I tried everything but won't work!

Oh well!

I went to the great hall to not find Ginny.

I was waiting and starting to wonder if she was coming or not!

The dance would start in a minute.

And she did not come.... Even Hermione came!

The dance started and I was there.... standing in the middle wondering when she would be here.

"Potter! Look at him! His date won't come!" laughed Draco.

Ugh! I hate that man so much!

I stayed silent while he went off to find Pansy who was gossiping with other Slytherin girls to ask for a dance.

She did not come!

Hi Potterheads!! ⚡️⚡️
Next chapter will be out soon!!
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