33. Car and Dirty minded talk

408 6 42

25 May 2002

Ginny's POV:

When I woke up, Harry was by the table with pancakes.

I got up, brushed my teeth and dug in. Not like Ron though, I ate like a human.

"Ginny, I'll be out a while. After breakfast." Harry told me.

"Whyyyyyyyyyy?" I whined.

"I don't want to tell you now."

"Why again?"

"You will see for yourself when I get back."

"How long will it take?"

"Maybe half an hour."

"Aw that's too bad."

"I know. I'll get back and we can go out. Maybe we should go out to lunch today."

"Ooh that would be amazing! I'm craving Pizza!"

"Sure! We'll go to Pizza Hut! It's 11 km away. Not that far." (It existed.)

"Not that far? What do mean?! It's far!"

"I run 15 km."

"Oh I see why you run so damn fast. How long does it take you?"

"I run at 36 km/h. It takes me around 25 minutes."

"Do you use a spell?"

"Try me out."

"Uuh. I'm good."

Soon enough, we were done and Harry went in my room.

"Alright I'm leaving. Lemme get something to put on."

"Where do you think you are going off to my room?"

"To get my Gryffindor hoodie, what have I got of my closet left?"

I chuckled and he went in and came out with his clothes on.

He walked to the door, took his car keys and went off.

Harry's POV:

I went to the showroom and handed the man the keys.

"Thank you Mr. Potter and here are your new keys. We would just need a few signs here." the man said.

He pointed towards a 3 page paper while giving me a black and silver key.

I very quickly read though the pages and signed.

"Thank you." I said as I went outside.

I saw it, there my new car coming fresh out of the showroom.

Then, I was not going to just make it so boring. I bought extra stuff to keep it clean and to make it my car.

408 galleons later, now I'm set to go.

(The car he bought is £41, 525. That means it is $54, 348, 54. Since each galleon is around $25. We can estimate that he spends 217, 394 galleons on the car. Then he spends an extra 408 galleons. This means that he spends 217, 802 galleons in total.
Why did I bother to do all that?)

I took off and went in. Ginny was watching something while drying her hair.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey Harry. Where did you go?" se replied.

"You will see when we go to lunch."

I slid the keys in my pocket and sat beside her.

"So, what uh. This is, boring."

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