Fantasy World

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we live in the idea of this fantasy world

one where mom and dad love each other

one where mom and dad love you

one where you live in the suburbs, and you have loving siblings.

your family hosts the weekly barbecue

and your uncle isn't addicted to heroin.

one where your family comes together

and they don't get drunk and want to kill eachother.

we live in a fantasy world

one based on sitcoms and romcoms

where the guy gets the girl

not where the girl can get the girl

not where the guy can get the guy.

we live in this fantasy world

where everyone feels love

and everyone has someone to love them.

in a world where your religion doesn't matter

and your beliefs don't get you killed

and where women are equal

and people of color are treated all the same.

but that's not the case, is it?

we are alone a majority of our lives.

you will see friends and family living in this world

and you will never even get a taste of it.

in reality, the world isn't a fantasy

it's not a beautiful place.

it's dark, and scary, and evil

and not everyone makes it out.

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