Chapter Four

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Summer Danvers

I start walking back to my shed after I say goodbye to Jake, letting my hair out from its messy pony and shake it, water droplets going everywhere. I have to meet Jake again tomorrow. I know he just wants the best for me, and I also want to get through to nationals too.

As I walk, I spot a man dressed in a suit with black shades on near the parking lot. I mean, he does stand out, wearing a black suit in the sun and all. Besides, this is the beach. A person wearing a suit at the beach. But anyway, I just ignore it and keep walking towards my shed. I sort of sense him walking towards me, as I near my shed. I hope he isn't coming towards me! With that thought in mind, I start to walk a little bit faster.

"Hi. Do you mind if I talk to you a bit?" The man says, when he's close enough for me to hear him. I turn to face him.

"Um, yeah, sure." I say hesitantly.

"Well, first of all," he takes his sunglasses off. I gasp as he holds out his hand. "Adam Parker, in case you didn't recognise." I can't believe I didn't recognise him! He is such a well known film director!

"Oh hello, I'm Summer. Summer-"

"Danvers? I saw you surf yesterday. You were great. And I wish you all the best in qualifying for regionals."

"Oh, thank you." I blush. I can't believe Adam Parker just said good luck to me! I can't even believe I'm talking to him! And he knows my name!

"Excuse me, but I think I might have to put my sunglasses back on." He pauses. "Paparazzi." He slides the shades on.

"Oh that's fine." I say.

"So, I just wanted to ask if you..... Well, first of all, I must explain what I'm doing. I'm looking to cast actors for my upcoming movie. And... I thought you would be the perfect person to star for this character called Thalia. This might sound a little creepy but I have been watching you, and I think you would be able to act Thalia out beautifully." He pauses. "So basically, what I'm saying is, could you star in my upcoming movie?" Adam Parker asks.

"I-I-" I stutter. I don't know what to say. I mean, this is the Adam Parker. He's like, globally known and he has directed the most famous movies on this planet.

"It's alright if you don't want to. I understand." He says.

"I would love to... But," I bite my lip. "I haven't done any acting before, especially not for a big movie like this."

"That's alright. You'll have plenty of time to learn your lines and practise. I've got this image in my head of all the actors and you are the perfect fit. So of course I'll help you get the help you need."

"O-oh. Really?" I stutter, just stunned at what I was hearing.

"Yes, really."

"O-okay. But don't I have to audition?"

"Well, I did see a few auditions here and there, but I couldn't find anyone suitable." He says.

"Um, well, I think I'll think about it. And maybe....."

"Here. I'll give you my phone number, which I would really appreciate if you didn't give it to anyone else. Here's my card. But please do try to contact me soon, I want to get this movie on the go as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I will. Thank you so much for the offer, um, Mr Parker." I say.

"No, call me Adam."

"I-I should call you Adam?" I stutter. I can't even believe I'm talking to this guy, let alone call him Adam. I mean like seriously, he's like, so famous, it's crazy.

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