[9] "What comes after the fall"

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We couldn’t sleep. The photos bothered us all night, wondering what really happened to Payton, and how her death was considered as an accident. Was there an external factor that made the investigators consider it merely as an accident? Did someone made it look like an accident because they wanted to hide she was actually murdered?

I looked down at the brown envelope. Mostly, all of the photos’ angles were poorly taken, whoever took them must’ve been in a tight spot. It has to be someone who witnessed what happened, and was too anxious to take a good shot.

Fortunately, the photographer was able to capture the sequence of how that bastard repeatedly bash Payton’s head with a brick.

“Let’s take this to the authorities,” Jem suggested, then attempted to take the envelope from my hand. Nilayo ko sa kanya ang envelope.

“We can’t do that.”

She narrowed her eyes at me in disbelief. “This can re-open the case. This is evidence of a foul play.”

“Why do you think they end up concluding it was an accident?” tanong ko sa kanya, dahilan para matikom niya ang bibig. “Think about it. The coroners would have known the injury to her head wasn’t caused in the accident. The results would have prove it as well.”

“Sa tingin mo may nagmanipula sa resulta?”

Tumango ako. “At sa mga taong humawak sa resulta.”

“But who would do that? What did Payton do to them to want her dead?”

I don’t know. My visions didn’t show who the man was, it was all a blur of motion. And these pictures weren’t any help in identifying who the man either. Although his large built tells us he’s years older than us, but that’s all there is. I didn’t even know there was a witness.

“What are we going to do now?” tanong ni Jem. Inayos niya ang strap ng bag niya sa kanyang balikat bago humarap sa’kin. “Are we just gonna ignore this?”

“No,” I replied.

I’ve done enough of that already. Nothing seems to change when you keep ignoring almost everything that happens around you. And this is Payton we’re talking about. She was someone who once meant the world to me, and learning about this angle of her death, I just can’t ignore it.

Jem gave me a look, and said, “Akala ko ba wala kang pakialam sa kanya?”

I didn’t exactly say ‘I don't care’. That was a lie. Even though I hate lying, I lied because I didn’t want to appear that J care too much. It’s annoying when you get to delve deeper into your own feelings, and getting people to know about them.

“I know some people who can help us.” But I don’t know if they would be willing to help. After all the shit that happened, I really don’t think they would. Well, it’s worth a shot.

“Wait, really? You know people?”

Tiningnan ko ng masama si Jem. Alam ko na kung ano ang pinapalabas niya.

“They’re not friends. They’re more like acquaintances.”

“Kailan tayo pupunta sa kanila?” tanong niya pa, hindi na mawala sa mukha ang ngiti niya. “Paano nila tayo matutulungan?”

Why does she have so many questions? She’s starting to get on my nerves.

I let out a frustrated sigh before responding. “Sometimes they use repugnant methods but most of the time, they’ll result with negotiation first. It depends on the situation though. They’re good with these things — finding people and solving problems."

Waking NightmareTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon