Part 3

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  • Dedicated to To all the ships that never sailed

merlin left the room and headed for the kitchen. as he turned to corner, Arthur was still in the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal. Great. Merlin sighed and entered. Arthur turned as he heard Merlin and nodded in his direction as he head for the living room. Merlin grabbed a bowl and filled it with water. As he turned around he bumped into Arthur and the water spilled all down his shirt.

"shit!" Merlin said. "fuck im so sorry." Merlin looked up and Arthur was laughing.

"eh, no harm done." As Merlin reached for paper towel to wipe up the water on the floor, Arthur grabbed his hand. "No we can just use this." Arthur pulled off his shirt and started wiping up the water. Merlin continued standing, staring at Arthur while blushing. Arthur's should muscles moved with ease and when he stood back up, Merlin nearly spoke aloud.

he has the v-thing.....

Arthur took the bowl from Merlin's hands and placed it on the counter. He brushed past Merlin and hit his shoulder with his hand. "hey come up stairs with me, i need some help with something."

"uh sure. um ok, ya." Merlin stuttered as he followed Arthur. shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit Merlin thought as he followed. Arthur open his door for Merlin and closed it softly behind them. Arthur nodded to chair and disappeared behind a wall.

what am i gonna do? Arthur thought. i dont need help with anything. Arhur shook his head and started getting dress. He pulled on a pair of black jeans and grabbed a couple shirts. He came out of hsi closet and faced Merlin. "what shirt should i wear?"

"wait what?"

"what shirt should i wear. Morgana says i can pick outfits for shit, and i think you look pretty cool, so..."

Merlin glanced down at himself. He was wearing black jeans, a black shirt with wings on it, black combat boots, a couple bracelets, and a chain from his belt to his wallet. "this what i normally wear."

"well can you just help me?'

"uh sure." Merlin stood up and looked at the shirts arthur brought out. In the end he picked out a slightly tight, bright red shirt, and a pair of boots. after Arthur had dress, they both stayed in the room talking.

"so." Arthur began, flopping down on his bed. "where you from? and how old are you? You look about 23."

Merlin smiled at the basic questions. "middle of nowhere town called Ealdor. and im 21. You?

"22. never heard of it. Is it far away?"

Merlin laughed. "its about 30 minuets away. its small, not many people. but its home. have you always lived in Camelot?"

"ya. in fact i was born in the hospital just down the street. i've never even left the city. You'd think it would be nice, living somewhere where everything is in hands reach. But i've always wanted to travel."

"really?" merlin looked over at Arthur.

"ya." Arthur sat up and looked at the smiling Merlin. "maybe i'll move far away from here and become a farmer."

Merlin laughed. "A farmer?"

"ya. i think i could be a farmer. i can work the land, and milk cows." Arthur mined working a plow and Merlin laughed louder. Arthur continued talking once Merlin was quiet. "so how did you come to know-" he's cut off as Morgana walks in.

"Arthur do you know anyone-" She saw Merlin. "im guessing you're the guy giaus is looking for?"

Merlin's face dropped. "shit i was suppose to be getting water for giaus. bye Arthur." Merlin bolted from the room, and Morgana quickly took his place in the chair facing arthur. "So..." she began.

Arthur quickly stopped her. "no, dont say a word. dont even think about talking."

"what?" Morgana said in a overly sarcastic voice. "i just wanted to know what my brother was doing in a closed room and with an attractive fellow who looks about his age!" Arthur stood up and Morgana botled from the room laughing. He heard her door closed as he walked into the hallway. Arthur went back into his room thinking about a certain face that had a huge smile and too big of ears...

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