Part 14

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Merlin woke up the next morning with a terrible headache. His head was pounding in time with Giaus pounding on his door. "Merlin! Merlin! You need to get up. We have to go to work or we are gonna be late."

Merlin's eyes shot open. He tried to get up but fell onto the floor. "Uh.. Giaus." He croaked out through a dry mouth. "i can't go to work today. i um, dont feel good."

"That's it, im coming in." Giaus opened the door and stared at Merlin on the floor."What happened?"

"Nothing." Merlin said too quickly. "I just dont feel good. Can i just stay home?"

Giaus gave Merlin a weird look, but complied. "Fine. But i demand a real explanation when i get home." Giaus left the room and Merlin crawled back into bed. He sighed and checked his phone for messages. He had one from Gwen and one from Morgana. He read Gwen's first.

Merlin, i just wanted to check on you. please call me or text me when you can. Also, how is your head?

The one from Morgana said;

Merlin. call me as soon as you get this. i have to talk to you about Arthur.

Merlin's head still hurt. He tried to walk out of his room but could barely make it. He half crawled, half walked to the kitchen. He ate some pain reducing herbs, and got ice for his head. He layed down on the couch in the living, took a deep breath, and called Morgana. She answered after just one ring.

"Oh Merlin, thank God you called. I got even more worried when Giaus showed up and you didn't." Her voice faded a bit, like she moved away from the phone. "He called Gwen." Her voice got loud again. "Merlin, Gwen is here with me. I'm gonna put you on speaker phone, but we have to be quiet in case my dad hears."

"ok." Merlin mumbled.

"Merlin?" Gwen's worried voice came over ther phone. "Merlin are you ok? How is your head?"

"It hurts like hell, but i just took some pain reliever." He took a breath and asked the question that had been bugging him since he left that appartment. "How's Arthur?" Merlin's voice shook as he spoke.

the silence on the other end terrified Merlin. Morgana spoke. "Merlin, i honestly don't know. My dad took away his phone and computer and locked him in his room."

"But when i left Uther was pounding the shit out of him." Merlin voice almost broke.

"I was able to get him to stop. i stood in front of Arthur. Uther would never hit me."

"Do the guys know what happened?"

Gwen answered this time. "Ya. i told Lancelot and he told the other guys. they're all really pissed."

"Merlin?" Morgana's voice took over again. "i have to telll you something. and it's not good. Merlin, Uther is gonna send Arthur away."

Merlin froze. The entire world seemed to quiet until Merlin could only hear his heart beating. "What?"

"My dad wants to send him away. I don't know where. But he wants to get Arthur out of this city."

"What did Arthur say about it?"

"He doesn't know. i think my dad is sending him to our Aunt's farm, which is a few hours away. and that's by plane. But Merlin? I have an idea."

"What do you mean you have an idea?" Merlin's fast beating heart only made his head hurt more.

"Shit, we have to go, my dad is coming. i'll text you later." Morgana hung up, and Merlin was left sitting alone, sad, and in pain.

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