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i really wanna make a sequel to this book sooner or later since i loved every second of writing it and creating these characters. i'm not sure when i'll have the sequel or the plot for it ready since i'm writing east of eden and girl on fire! right now and i'm thinking of starting another book soon

possible plans for the sequel

- i might write it from lara's pov and it would be set a couple of years in the future

- paul, spencer and sam would definitely be main characters!

- snail mail and others (possibly sza, ana perrote from hinds, etc.) would be cast and introduced as new characters

- diane, amelia and echo might make appearances or be side characters

- lara's music career would be on the rise while paul would be working on post-grad stuff

those are the only ideas i have for right now, but i would love to hear any feedback or ideas anyone has

thanks for reading geed :)

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