Chapter 1

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"Leonard, get up." Sheldon, his roomate called from the kitchen. "We need to get ready, so that we will be on the campus by the time the lecture starts"

"Chill out, my lecture doesnt start till 10am, we still have ages." Leonard said, smushing his face into his pillow.

"Yes, well mine starts at 9am,and you have to drive me. With your constant need to sleep endless hours through the day, that only leaves me 47 minutes to make it to the university. The distance is 12km, but we also have to factor in traffic, finding a park, and walking to our room." Sheldon paced around the apartment. "If we leave now, i'll hopefully be there with a handy 19 minutes to spare." 

"Oh shutup" Leonard yelled, throwing his pillow at Sheldon. "I'll get up in a sec"

Leonard ripped the covers off, and slugishy rolled out of the bed. He had been living in this small apartment, whilst studying at the university. Somehow for him, he ended up with a room mate like Sheldon, somehow their parents knew of each other, and they were both studying a degree in Physics. It made sense, he was just such a pain in the arse. 

Leonard quickly brushed his teeth, and ran a comb through his dark brown hair. 

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

'Knock, Knock, Knock' "Leonard"

'Knock, Knock, Knock' "Leonard"

'Knock, Knock, Knock' "Leonard"

"What do you want Sheldon?" Leonard yelled whilst wiping his hands against his pants.

"We are down to 11 minutes, we must go. Times a ticking!"

Leonard sighed. He grabbed his watch and flicked off the lights.'

Johnny grabbed his keys, and flicked the loghts off in their apartment. By the time Leonard got down the four flights of stairs to his car, Sheldon was already waiting beside the car.

"Why are you so excited?" Leonard asked, opening the door. "It's not like its our first day?"

"But everyday is a new day, so there for. It's our first day everyday." Sheldon said, buckling his seatbelt up, and holding onto the sidebar as if Leonard was a horrible driver. 

"Would you stop looking so nervous? I'm a good driver" Leonard panted, annoyed at Sheldon's actions.

"Do you know Leonard.." Leonard sighed. "There is a very high chance, wait no. There is a certaninty, that one day, every single person will be involved in some type of motor vechile accident. Today is not the day my friend".

"Have you talked to that new girl across the hall yet?" Leonard asked, scratching his head as the car came to a hault at the stop sign. 

"Only once" Sheldon said, hands still tensley attached to the side bar.

"When, what, why?" 

"Her name was Jennifer, when I checked the mail on Thursday, there was one addressed to her, so I handed it to her, because it was addressed to her. Leonard, sometimes I think you mistake me for a simpleton." 

Leonard drove around the university round about, and towards the physics lecture rooms. 

"Leonard, 6 minutes."

"Sheldon, we are here. Relax"

Leonard parked the car. 

"Hey Sheldon, is that the Jennifer girl over there."

"Oh yes, that's her. She is wearing alot more clothes then she was the other day." 

"Who is she with?" Leonard asked, enquiring about the lovely blonde girl standing next to Jennifer. 

"Do you think that I waste my time involving myself other peoples business. You must underemstimate my care for other people."

"We should go over and talk to them." Leonard said, still admiring the blonde women standing next to Jennifer. 

"No, control your urges. We are approximatley 230 metres away from the lecture rooms, and we have 3 minutes, no." yelled Sheldon, slamming the car door shut. 

Leonard locked the car, and Sheldon ran off into the room. As Jennifer noticed who Leonard was, he gave a wave and a smile in their direction. 

Jennifer waved at Leonard, and started walking in his direction. Leonard walked away, unsure of whether or not she was walking towards him.


He turned around, to see the two girls walking towards him.

"This is my friend Penny, Penny this is Leonard. He lives across the hallway in my building." 

Leonard choked.

"Hi, i'm Leonard." he stuttered. Penny held out her hand.

"Man, your hands are really sweaty." Penny said, wiping her hand down the side of her denim jeans.

"So" Leonard stuttered, changing the subject. "What course are you girls studying?"

"Penny's in emergency medicine, and i'm studying journalism. What about you and Sheldon?" Jennifer said, grabbing out her phone.

"Sheldon and I are studying physics. He's in theoratical, i'm in experimental."

"Wow that sounds really interesting and haaarrddd.."  Penny joked, 

"Well my lecture starts soon, I better go." Leonard added, picking up his backpack.

"Seeya later" mumbled Jennifer. Penny just waved and turned around heading towards the library. 

"Uhm Penny" Leonard yelled, turning around rapidly and grabbing her attetion.

She swung back around, to face Leonard.

"I'll talk to you later, my class starts in a sec." Jennfier yelled, running off towards the classroom leaving Penny. 

"Yeah, what's up"

"Uh, um, yeah. You know I studying medicine for a little while, and i have friends that did. Have all the text books and everything. Like if you ever needed any help, then im always avaliable." 

"That'd be really cool. Like orginally, I was just happy with community college. Thats all my parents asked. But I sort of wanted more out of my life, so Jennifer talked to the head smart people at admissions, and they gave me a shot at a course I was really interested in. Im really nervous, it seems really hard. Sorry im rambling."

"Its ok, i'll help you." 

"Here's my phone number, i'll be at Jennifers alot, so maybe we could hang out sometime." Penny laughed, putting her hand on Leonards hand. 

He had a shiver down his spine. 

"I, I, um better go to my class. I, I guess, I guess i'll call you later. Um okay, Bye." Leonard panted, running his hand through his head and wiping the sweat beads off his forehead. 

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