Chapter 2

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A/N Hope you enjoy, smut will be included in later chapters, this fanfiction was written for 

Disclaimer; I do not own any characters used, idea is orginal, and no harm intended.

"Good morning Leonard" Sheldon said, buttering his French toast. "Did you have a pleasant sleep?"

"I guess, are you alright?" Leonard asked, confused on why Sheldon was acting funny.

"I'm fine and dandy. Did you want some French Toast?" 

"Ok?" Taking a plate of French Toast of Sheldon.

"I'm helping Penny this afternoon after her class. You'll have to find another way home." Leonard said, taking a bit out of the piece of toast.

"Excuse me?" 

"Find your own way home" Leonard mumbled with a mouthful.

"You know my bus pants got stolen Leonard. This is unacceptable. You must reschedule."

"No, I will not. Im not your slave, what about Julie?" 

"Oh, i'll just walk. Like a hobo, along the streets..." Sheldon moaped. 

"Look, just wait in the library until we are finished, and next time we are in town remind me to buy you more 'bus pants'..."

Leonard finished his toast, and Sheldon scrummaged through his clothes to find something suitable in case of plan changes. 

Leonard phone buzzed. 

'Good morning Leonard, its Penny here. Jennifer’s friend, I was just wondering if you were still available to help me study this afternoon. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, you're a very nice guy. Xx'

He got shivers down his spine. 

'Yeah, sounds gud' 

'Gud?' Leonard’s phone buzzed.

'Good, sorry. Autocorrect' Leonard's thumb typed crazily, afraid of embarrassing himself. 

'Ok then, i'll see you this afternoon.' 

Leonard smiled, she was so sweet.

"Leonard" Sheldon yelled from the bedroom. "I have no pants worthy to become my new bus pants."

"Look, I have to go. You work out you shit, and i'll see you later on."

"Leonard, I need a lift" 

Sheldon ran out of his bedroom in his white briefs, as Leonard shut the door. 

As Leonard went down the stairs, he passed Jennifer in the hallway.

"Oh hey Leonard, I hear you're helping Penny with her course. That's really sweet, and such a nice thing to do, you're are a really nice guy." 

Jennifer gave him a quick side hug, as she continued up the stairs. Leonard just mumbled some words, unable to comprehend what just happened. He continued walking down the stairs towards his car.

I’m always the nice guy.. Leonard thought to himself. He continued down the stairs, thoughts rushing through his head. He chucked his car keys in the air, and caught them with the opposite hand, he singled out his car from the bunch that dangled around his key chain. He had a Green Lantern patterned apartment key, and his larger car key which he grabbed and inserted into the driver side door. He opened the door and buckled his seat belt, and plugged his phone into the aux plug he left attached to his stereo. As he drove out of parking lot, and merged into the lines of traffic pilled up. He turned up the stereo, and his playlist automatically shuffled. He tapped his hand against the wheel in beat with the music, and not long after he turned into the driveway of the campus. He drove past the welcome sign, towards the Physics department. His lecture didn't start till 10am so he decided to go and grab some morning tea from the campus restaurant. Leonard parked in the lot designated to the students studying in the Physics section, and hopped out and locked his car. 

He walked towards the restaurant, when his phone buzzed.

'Hey Leonard, its Penny. Are you on campus, do you think we could hang out? x'

This message instantly brought a smile to Leonard's face. He stared at the message for a little while, tapping his screen every time it dimed to save his battery. 

'Oh definitely, I am just at the restaurant if you wanted to meet up, i'll meet you at the fountain say in about 10 minutes?' he replied, already feeling his palms start to sweat.

'Someone like Penny actually wants to hang out with me' he thought to himself.

He rushed to the restaurant and waited in line, when he got to the front, he ordered a egg and lettuce sandwich for himself, and 2 servings of hot fries just incase Penny wanted anything. 

He waited for his food, constantly checking his phone to see if Penny replied.

"Number 64" the lady behind the counter. Leonard looks at his ticket, and walked towards her, exchanging her ticket, as she handed him the food, placed in a brown paper bag.

He walked around the corner to find Penny already sitting down on the green grass, as if she was waiting for him. 

"Oh, hey Leonard" Penny said, with a huge smile on her face. She patted the ground, inviting him to sit down next to her. 

"I bought lunch" he mumbled as it was the first thing that popped into his head.

"Oh great, that’s so sweet" 

He sat down, and crossed his legs. There was an awkward silence, and a rumbling of a paper bag. Penny was nibbling on the chips.

"Did you bring your textbooks?" Penny asked, with a mouthful of chips.

Leonard leaned over and grabbed a first year textbook out of his bag and gave it to her, without even saying a word. 

"Do you have a class today?" Penny asked, still nibbling on the chips.

"I have a lecture at 10am, but I’d rather stay here with you" he smiled, picking up his sandwich.

Penny chuckled, flicking through the book that he gave her.

"This is really helpful Leonard, thank you so much" 

She plunged in a wrapped her hands around his neck, Leonard almost choking on his sandwich, put it down on his lap and reciprocated the hug. Leonard pulled his arms away, and Penny lifted her head of his shoulder. She brushed her face across his cheek, and landed her lips on his. Unaware of what was happening, he moved his hands to her back. 

She pulled her lips away, with a smile on her hand, and a smirk on Leonard’s. He was still trying to process what happened.

"That was nice" Penny whispered, picking up more chips.

Leonard picked his sandwich up again. 

"If you look on page 4 on the textbook, I slipped a few of my old notes in there that you might find helpful, I don’t know, I was just going to chuck them out. And I thought that you could use them, yeah I thought they could help you because they helped me…"

"Leonard, shut up" Penny said, connecting her lips with his once more. His body stiffened.

"Leonard relax, you don’t have to be so nervous." Penny enjoyed having so much control over him. She placed her hand on his leg, feeling the shivers that shot down the back of her spine. 

"Okay" he mumbled, eyes still closed.

"You better get to your lecture" Penny said, flicking through the notes that Leonard had given her. 

Leonard just got up, leaving the food with Penny. He walked off, not saying anything. He turned around, as if he had worked out what he had to say to her. Did he thank her? Did her just walk away? 

"Hey Penny, um… Penny…" he mumbled.

"I'll call you okay, see you later Leonard" Penny said, getting up. She hugged him, and walked off.

A/N Read And Review Please x 

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