Chapter 4

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A/N; I hope you are enjoying it so far, I’m trying to make the chapters longer, more in depth. Rated M for Mature Themes later in book. I do not own anything in this story.

It was late afternoon on a Saturday in Pasadena, California and Leonard had returned from an unscheduled visit to the practical lab. He walked up the stairs, with his earphones in. When he reached the fourth floor, he turned towards the elevator instead of entering his apartment. For about ten minutes, he stood and reminisced on the day that the elevator had worked, and evidentially, the day that the elevator stopped working. The saying that 'every cloud has a silver lining' really played a part in this situation especially for the frequent visitors to the building, which was mainly Raj and Howard; and walking up those stairs was the only exercise those poor bastards ever got. Howard tried to convince them that he went to the gym on Thursday afternoons, but they all knew that was just a cover over for him going to aquarobics with his Mom and her friends. He entered his apartment, and pulled out the mail that he had grabbed from the lobby on his way in, chucking it on the table not even taking an interest in what it was or who it was addressed to. Leonard dumped his shoulder bag beside the chair and headed straight for a shower. When he exited, he decided that he would go for a quick sleep, after having to be at the lab since 4:30am this morning. 


About 3 hour later, he emerged from his bedroom, finding Sheldon sitting in his spot watching Doctor Who reruns. 

"Evening Leonard" Sheldon spoke, startling Leonard as he still tried to wake up.

"Yeah, hi" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"There is a letter there for you from your mother, she is divorcing your dad and your dog died." Sheldon said, still not taking his eye contact away from the television.

"Wait, what wait! You opened my mail?" Leonard yelled, quickly unfolding the letter. "Why would you do that”?

"Leonard, please keep your yelling to a minimal, I am trying to watch this television show."

Leonard just groaned, as he picked up the phone to ring his mother.

'Hi, you've reached Beverly Hofstadter. Leave a message if you must'

Leonard just hung up, too furious to explain in a message. 

He rummaged through the other pieces of mail. Finding one addressed to Jennifer. He walked to towards the door, to go and give it to her. When he heard chaos in the hallway.

"Look just leave me alone!"

"Oh come on baby, let's just go inside'"

Leonard peeked through the peephole in the door, to find some man harassing Jennifer in the hallway. Leonard took a deep breath, and opened the door to defend her. The man instantly let go of Jennifer, and turned around to put eyes on Leonard. From normal view, Leonard could tell her was at least 2 feet taller than him, and about a meter wider. 

"Leonard, go back inside" Jennifer mouthed, as the tall man took steps towards Leonard.

"And what do you want little man" he said, standing over Leonard, showing the height difference quite dramatically.

"I just have a few pieces of Jennifer’s mail..." Leonard gulped. "Why don't you just go home and let her go inside, she clearly doesn’t want to 'go inside'..."

Leonard had a dramatic boost in confidence as the man slightly backed away.

"And how are you going to make me?" he asked, once again standing tall in front of Leonard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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