Chapter 2 - The Library

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      I looked up at the large wooden door. I studied it carefully, looking for clues. While I was doing so, Jane knock on it four times and the butler came to open the door for us. There we met the chief officer, Georgewood.

"The first one, Mrs. Rosebush, was found in the library, while Miss Rosebush was found in the bathroom." He explained.

"How terrible." Jane replied, although I knew she didn't really mean it because she was used to these kind of murders. 

"Take us to the library first. I want to examine her body. Don't tell me you've taken it away." I said.

      Then there we were, in a big library, standing behind a body, with a cracked gun lying next to it. 

"This is Mrs. Rosebush" Georgewood explained, but I hushed him with a wave of my hand. 

"Reading, a book, obviously..."I started to deduce. "She was very interested in the book, her hand was on to turn the next page even though she had only started the first line from the first of the double page."

"How do you know that?" Georgewood asked.

"Well, her hand was on to turning the next page, but not just that, her head had fallen to the side of the book, on the left page, at the top, showing that her head was in a position for reading those lines at the top. The first few lines. Guessing that it was the first line, and she was ready to turn the page, she must've been very, very into it." Jane explained.

"Baffled. Go on." Georgewood responded with jealousy in his eyes.

"The killer had obviously-" I started, but Georgewood interrupted, "You keep saying obvious, when it's not" 

"To us it is. Carry on, Jasper." Jane gave Georgewood a glare. The type of glare no-one can look at.

"The killer had obviously been at the door, so Miss Rosebush must've been murdered first. He was in a hurry, didn't want to get caught but wanted to finish the job quickly." I continued.

"But the gun, it wasn't by the doorway."

"But it was cracked. The killer shot her through the head, then in order to cover up the clues that they had been by the doorway, they threw the gun towards Mrs. Rosebush, but didn't realise it had cracked." I paused. "How many of them left?"

"How many what?"

"Rosebushes! Family members!"

"Oh, well, about five. Mrs. Rosebush's husband, son, and daughter. Very fair  family."

"Take me to the other one." 

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