Sometimes, When The Heart Wants Change...

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Patton awoke to hazel eyes peering over the couch cushion.

"You ready to talk yet, Dad guy?" They spoke.

Patton jumped a bit from the close distance. He sat up and saw Remus crouched on the floor, at the same level that his face was at. He was wearing a childish smile, as if watching his parent buy candy for him.

"Rise and shine!!!" He stuck out his tongue playfully.

"Remus! Did you wake him up!?" Janus rushes down the stairs.

"C'mon, Jan, you know I would nevah." he says, shooing away the thought with his hand.

"Don't worry, kiddo, he didn't. It just spooked me 'cause I forgot I slept over," Patton excuses him.

"Well, not all the way," Remus corrects.


Remus doesn't respond, but instead nods to the glass door. It's still very dark out, clouds littering the starry sky. Patton looks around for a clock. 3:08 AM.

Patton blinks a few times, unsure if he'd read it right. He feels perfectly rested, how does that work???

"Sleep doesn't work the same down here," Janus explains, "Rem and I usually don't sleep until about an hour from now."

Patton's first priority: 'Aw, he called him 'Rem.''

Second: "How long was I out for?"

"Prob'ly around four-ish hours. We weren't really counting," Says Remus, "That would be creepy~"

It's strange to not be told exact numbers.

"But c'mooooon..." He throws his head back, groaning, "You didn't answer my question! You gonna get all feely-feely on us, Light-o?"


Janus steps in, "Are you okay with talking about what's been messing with you."

Patton contemplates this, reading his own feelings.

"Would talking about it... mean I'll have to go?"

Remus chuckles and Janus smiles softly.

"We're not going to make you leave, Patton," The latter assures him.

The room seemed a shade lighter then, like Patton's smile was its own lamp. It was shaky, though, full of gratitude.

"Do you think, if we stayed up tonight, our sleep schedules would line up tomorrow?" Remus asks, too serious to be considered a joke.

"A nice idea to entertain," Janus turns to Patton, "But he has a point. If this talk is any longer than an hour, I'd hate to fall asleep."

"Oh! Right." Patton says, embarrassed he had only been thinking about himself.

"And Re', don't even start, you fall asleep before I do."

The Side on the floor giggles to himself.

"Besides, to change our whole schedule because he's showing up down here just this once?" Janus continues, adjusting the couch cushions and facing away.

Patton's face fell. Is that all this is? 'Just this once?'

Janus felt his counterpart's disappointment.

"Unless, of course, you want to... at least... partially transfer?"

"I... dunno about that much but," Patton contemplated, "I don't want to go back. For now. If that's okay."

Janus thought about this for a moment, looking up as if to remember something. He then turned to Remus, who shrugged with a toothy grin.

"Well, if you really are gonna come down here more often, we probably should adjust our sleeping a little bit," Says Janus.

"Can we pick this up another time~?" Remus stuck his tongue out a bit, making flirty eyes at Patton.

Janus rolled his eyes, conjuring an arm to pick up Remus off the floor by his collar.

"We will. You can stay here if you want, or just go back to your room. I apologize for cutting this short, Patton."

"It's no big deal! I can wait."

Patton shot up, remembering something.

"Oh! Uh, do you know if Thomas is awake right now?" He asks, looking back and forth between the other two, unsure of who would have the answer.

Janus pursed his lips, like he had before when Patton was loud in the Darkspace. Sensing something. He then turned to Remus, who was watching him fondly.

"Nope! He's pretty asleep!" Said the Creativity, "Late second phase, about."

Patton was surprised at how much Remus knew. Often times even Logan couldn't give that much information.

"Thank you! You can just summon me once you two are awake." He nodded, preparing to enter Dreamland.

"Have a nice rest!" He sank, watching Remus wave wildly, and Janus making a 'goodbye' gesture with two fingers.

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