I Am Unharmed, and I Don't Want to Talk About It

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Patton didn't feel his feet hit the floor, but his knees buckled and he knew he was there.

In Dreamland, The Imagination, Limbo, whatever you call it, it's a void of senses. The only thing there now is Patton, and a door frame.

The room caters to each Side. Nobody's in right now, there would be a door there if there was. Each Side has a quote that gives the room to them. Patton only knows his own and Roman's, because they're both from Disney. Logan probably knows them all.

It's like the mind's Room of Requirement.

"A dream... is a wish... your heart makes..." Patton sings softly.

A light blue door appeared, a gray paw print with a heart in it in the center.

Patton continued singing, "When... you're fast... asleep~"

He stepped into the baby blue room, grateful to feel the knob and hear the creak as the door opened. Not being able to physically feel things isn't the best experience, especially for the touchy-feely Side.

"In dreams, you lose... your heartaches..."

The room continued to fill, a microphone in front of a large screen being the main focal point. On the walls there were dancing images, some photos and others were drawings. Some you couldn't tell.

"Whatever you wish for... you keep..." He kept singing dreamily.

As the room finished 'loading,' Patton scanned it excitedly.

"In a talking mood, am I?"

Unlike most of the others, how Patton was able to communicate what he wanted in the dream would change often, sometimes during his stay. He isn't the best at communicating what he's thinking, so the room helps him with that.

In Dreamland -though, it's more of a room, like everything else- a Side can ask the room for something he wants in a dream. All the other Sides think of it more as a chore, but whenever Patton is awake when Thomas isn't, he's making dreams. It's like venting without anyone listening.

"Let's get someone pretty. Nobody specific, but someone really cute," Patton said to the room.

After a moment, a handsome guy shows up on the screen. Blond hair, light brown eyes, but no features other than 'pretty cute.' He isn't doing anything yet, but that's okay. The dream hasn't really started yet.

"Can we walk a dog with him? No- a cat!"

The fuzzy outline of a cat appeared, no specific details. They were walking now. The 'camera' didn't move, but faint images of trees passed behind as the man and cat stepped. The guy held a leash that was attached to the cat. He laughed joyously and all around was having a good time.

"Make him real big 'n fluffy. The cat, not the dude," Patton said, "Like one of those cats... one of..."

He couldn't remember the name, but the room pretty much autocorrected it. The cat's outline grew and became more defined. In a second, it was a bobcat.

"Yeah, that one..." He breathed out.

He wanted to add more, but felt his throat getting choked up. In response, the room took away the microphone, and pulled up a large pad.

Patton pointed the finger of his left hand to add more things.

Only one thing came to mind.

He drew a rectangle. The room began to correct it to a plank of wood. Patton wasn't done. He wasn't even thinking.

He traced an 'S' in the box he made. The man in the dream had stopped. He seemed confused. The bobcat's tail was flicking back and forth. The room was awaiting another input.

Patton mindlessly dragged his finger down for a 'K.'

The room knew. It had been corrected to a bright yellow button with the word 'SKIP' on it.

Patton stared at it for a second. The room was darkening. The dream is no longer positive. He didn't even notice.

With nothing else being added, the room began the dream.

"Wait..." Patton mumbled. He wasn't done. He didn't mean to put that there.

The scene was playing already. It was fuzzy enough, so it won't be remembered, at least. The man showed up with an angry, growling bobcat on his leash, which seemed about to snap. The guy didn't seem to notice.

They talked about nothing, as people in dreams do unless there's something specific a Side requests they talk about. They spoke in words that weren't really words, close enough to sound like english, but if you were listening to them speak, you'd think they're crazy.

Suddenly, the man froze, like a glitch. The 'SKIP' button showed up in front of his face like a computer ad. Thomas -or, the camera- reached out to press it. The bobcat growled. It wasn't frozen like its owner.

When the camera's hand reached the button, it went away, like clicking the 'x' on a tab. The man unfroze, picking up on where he'd left off, but quickly stopping. The bobcat broke off its leash when the camera wasn't looking. Handsome guy got angry. He turned to the camera, and started shouting accusations.

Patton was stone-faced, with tears streaming. It hurt to watch.

None of what the man was saying was english still, but the message came across: He thinks the camera -Thomas- did something to his cat. There was growling, but not from any place, just everywhere.

"I'm sorry..." Patton whispered.

He backed away. The dream wasn't done yet, but he'd had enough. It continued to twist and change, but he forced himself to look away.

He stumbled out the door, back into the blinding white.

Again, all he could hear was his own heavy breathing. He sat down, leaning against the door.

It was nice to not feel anything for a second.

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