The Secret Place

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Sonic walked into Amy's room. Amy's diary was on the wardrobe next to her bed, just like she said. Sonic quickly flipped to the last page and read:
"Today's my birthday, and I'm so excited! When Sonic comes over, I'll show him the secret place that I found! I know he'll love it! Oh, I drew a map of it on this page so I don't forget. Once again, I'm so excited!
It only took a matter of seconds for Sonic to follow the map and arrive at the secret place.
Sonic looked around. He had ,arrived at beautiful beach. The water was sparkling as the sun set in the distance. Sonic could sit and stare at the water for hours, until something caught his eye. He noticed something was carved on a palm tree. He walked up to it, and noticed it was a heart with two names carved in the middle:
Tears sunk into the yellow sand. "Oh, Amy..." Sonic cried, "What have I done? Why couldn't have I just went to the party? Then none of this would have happened! And now... I can't even tell you the true feelings I have about you." Just then Sonic heard a voice behind him:
"Sonic, I know your true feelings about me. And I feel the same way about you."

Sonic looked behind him, but there was nobody there.

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