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That's the first thing I hear when I wake up with a heavy headache. I adjust my sight to recognize where I am. I am shocked to see that I'm surrounded by white walls,curtains and floor this seems familiar. I try to remember why I'm here in the hospital, and the events come crashing on me. I broke down in front of Hunter. I get out of my daze by the click of the door and in comes Hunter. I lower my head in shame that I dared to scream at my alpha, and surprisingly I hear a heavy sigh. He sits beside me on a chair and holds my hand. Sparks fly threw my hands to my heart and butterflies dance in my stomach. I sigh happily that's all I want. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" He looks up at me and the sadness in his eyes brings tears to my eyes for no reason. He opens his mouth but then closes it again. I tighten my hold on his hand to urge him "your situation has gotten worse. I asked the doctor for any solution by witches or the elders, but-but he said there's no escape". By the end he was shedding silent tears "it's okay Hunter, that is what the moon goddess has planned for me, and we can't change it. How about we live the rest of what in my life by adventuring or starting anew, you know going on dates or swimming. There's no use in spending it grieving for something that hasn't happened yet. Come on let's go home". Hunter is looking at me proudly and lovingly. He holds my head in his hands, and I lean into his touch. He brings his lips down on mine. The kiss wasn't domineering, it was warm,gentle and trying to send his love through. It was beautiful. He brings his forehead to mine "you're the best mate a man can ever wish to have. I was so stupid to reject you, thinking you were weak. I'm sorry, I'm gonna repay the time we missed together. I love you" I look at him blushing to my ears and say "I love you too". He gives me the million dollars worth smile and picks me up bridal style going out of the hospital.
Would you like a happy or a sad ending? 🤔

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