Introduction? maybe sorta idk

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So um yeah I guess I'm starting a poetry book now. Alice you're still better than me shhhhhhhh. Oh yes everyone go check out her books, peach child and watercolor poetry. They're both in my good books reading list. 

I've got some poetry from last year too so I'll first be posting the stuff I've written before this. It's not amazing but I suppose I like it enough to put it in here. I doubt this'll be a book I update very often especially considering I've had almost no inspiration for the past month...

It rained yesterday and I thought that would help with my inspiration problem. It didn't really. BUT!!! We no longer have the worst air quality in the world. In fact, it's at good now I think so yay!!!  

Anyhoo yay poems. What do y'all think, should I put them all out today or should I do it day by day?

Oh annddd! The cover (and maybe possible the title shhh) was made by WatercolorSiren. She also took the photo. Look at this talented lil bean. 

okie dokie enjoy! 

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