October 7th 2020

7 2 1

Run away

Buy a van and live it until

You get tired of that

Then sell the van

And buy a farm

Raise chickens and cows

And goats

Then give the farm to your brother and

Move to the city

Wear what you want and

Do as you please

Befriend everyone who comes your way

Laugh easy and often

Dance in the rain

In the sun

In the snow

Sing loudly, even if you're off key and out of tune

(it doesn't matter in the end
as long as you have fun)

Stay up late and look at the stars

Contemplate the universe, life and everything in between

Get up early and watch the world wake

Watch it come alive

Embrace the change and change with it

Live free with little commitments but don't be flaky

State your opinions loudly

Both for you and

For those who can't

Live your life freely, the way you want

(not the way the government
or anyone else wants you to)

You have control over your life

Take the reins and steer it in the direction you want to go

Don't settle for mediocrity

You are the best so you deserve the best

Love fully and freely

And don't let anyone tell you what to do

Take advice of course, but you are the only one who

Should have any power over what you choose

**haha i forgot about this poem but then i had to turn it in for language arts so here ya go. also i won't be posting much this month (not that i post anyway lol) because i'm doing nanowrimo which is so fun but so stressful. i am writing an actual story but should i maybe publish that if it's any good?**

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