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trigger warning; this story contains abuse, alcoholism, self harm, mentions of rape, etc.

"hey baby. i miss you. let's meet up later tonight." "i'll have to see. i miss you too.. so much." kenma exhaled, lying motionlessly on his bed with his phone resting on his ear.

".. how was your day?" "not good. i feel sick."

kuroo frowned, a wave of sadness hitting him every time he knew kenma was suffering (which was quite often).

"i'm sorry love. please try to stay safe, you can stay the night at my house if you'd like."

"i don't know. my mom didn't respond well last time i stayed with you overnight.." "ah, that makes sense. you can stay with me as long as you want, whatever makes you comfortable, okay?" "okay.. thank you, kuroo."

a few moments of dead silence passed. kenma could feel kuroo's desperation to run right to the younger boy's home just to scoop him up and get him out of his toxic family—but it just wasn't that simple.

you see, kenma's home life was extremely unhealthy. his mother was verbally and physically abusive towards him, and he had a shameless, perverted alcoholic for a stepfather. going to school was his only escape from the hell that his home life had become—and joining the nekoma volleyball team only helped him stay away from his parents even longer. he and kuroo knew each other before the younger's mother even began to adopt abusive treatment towards her son. they started dating after the abuse started, and only recently did kenma tell kuroo all about the terrible situation he was in.

the abuse made kenma's life a nightmare. he was already struggling with social anxiety and self-esteem issues before this all began, and these circumstances only dug him into a deeper hole. his coping mechanisms were a messy, unhealthy combination of playing games, self harming, and spending time with kuroo.

".. so. whatcha up to?" "nothing. i'm just laying here." "hm. let me know when you're ready to meet—" kuroo paused.

"... sorry baby, i've got to go. please call me if anything happens, okay? i love you." "okay.. love you too. i'll text you when i'm ready." kenma said, feeling the last remaining bits of motivation to sit up and eat something leaving him as kuroo ended the call. he felt stuck there, motionless, staring blankly at the wall.

"kenma! get down here, now!" an all-too-familiar female voice shouted from downstairs. kenma's heart dropped at the sound of his mother's voice.

the boy pushed himself up and quickly walked to the door. he felt his fear building up with every step.

"who the hell were you talking to?" "kuroo."

"kuroo, huh? well, you need to be quiet, i'm going to sleep soon. understand?" "i understand, i'm sorry." "yeah, sorry my ass.. anyways, your father is going to be home any minute now, go grab some food out for him so he has something to eat for dinner." "yes, mom.." kenma sighed and shuffled into the kitchen.

after pouring a bowl of cereal and a beer from the fridge, the boy placed the food on the counter, as he heard the front door open.

a feeling of dread filled him. he wished he could just be at kuroo's house already, where he was safe.

"what the hell are you doing? shouldn't you be asleep?" he heard his stepfather's voice say loudly. kenma turned, quickly muttering "m-mom told me to make y-you some dinner.."

"oh." was the only response he got as the man walked to the counter and immediately opened the beer.

"hey dad, so you know kuroo? w-well.. we were wondering if i could stay over at h—"

missed call - kuroken (kenma x kuroo)Where stories live. Discover now