Chapter 10

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Wes came running out of the Dingo. I stood there smiling at him with my most charming smile. "Kat!" he yelled. "Listen, I can explain. I'm so sorry for making a move like that." He stopped running after that because he was right in front of me at that point. I looked up at him still smiling, and he looked a little confused. "Don't be," I replied. "What do you mean?" he questioned. I sat down on the sidewalk preparing to explain everything to him. "Listen, I have a lot more to explain to you than you have to explain to me," I said. He sat down beside me, looking at me with all of his attention. It was as if he couldn't take his eyes off of me. "I had a boyfriend when I met you. I don't know if you remember him. His name was Sodapop." "Yeah, I remember. He really loved you. That's why I wanted to apologize. He must want to kick my butt right now." "That's the thing," I began again. "See, he went off to war a few weeks ago when I graduated. When you kissed me, it was just in the back of my mind that he was still thinking about me and I was kissing another boy. The even worse thing is that I liked you. Like a lot." "You did?" he asked enthusiastically. I nodded and continued. "I felt guilty, until I found out that he went missing yesterday. Then, I felt guilty for just leaving you there with no explanation. I'm sorry about that anyways. You deserve better than that. Anyways, I came back to give you an explanation." He just nodded still looking at me intensely. "Okay," he said starting to get back up and walk in. It was as if he didn't think that I wanted him now. It was as if he really had no idea that I really DID like him, and that I WAS going to say more than that. "Wait," I exclaimed. He stopped and turned back around. "That's not all. I wanted to tell you that I'm not completely over Sodapop. I really think it will take me some time. Maybe a few weeks before I start dating again. But, I want you to know that I really like you and that eventually I want us to get together sometime. Maybe for a drink. But, I will need some time. I understand if you want to date other girls, though. I'm not expecting you to be girlfriendless when I'm ready, considering you're so handsome." He grinned and then sort of blushed. "I'll wait," he said softly. "No matter how long it takes. I can promise you that Katlyn." That was my sign from fate telling me that it was okay to like Wes. The bad thing about fate, though, is that sometimes it can be wrong.

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