Chapter 11

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Mack POV.

And then Wes and Kat got married and Steve and I got married too! Just kidding. That's now how life worked for us unfortunately. See, things weren't that easy in our life. Oh no, life was MUCH more complicated than that for us. We just didn't know it yet.
Steve and I pulled back from a kiss really awkwardly. We both just kind of looked down and up and sideways and well, just about anywhere but at each other. Finally, Steve started to talk saying, "Well, I really don't know-" , and I cut him off. "What to say?" I finished for him because I had felt the same way. "Yeah," he replied really shy like. I had never seen Steve like that before. We both started laughing hysterically at the awkwardness between us. "Why don't we just..." I began. "Start over?" He finished. I agreed and he began talking again smiling at me with bright eyes. "Hi, I'm Steve Randle," he said. "And I came here because I wanted to say that I love you. And I want you to be my girlfriend. And yeah, that's about it." I started laughing again seeing how nervous he was about this. "Not really into romance are you?" I asked. He shook his head real innocent like and I giggled. "Steve, I would love to be your girlfriend," I replied. "But," I added. "You have to work on the romance thing." I smirked at him and he laughed saying, "I don't think that's a very fair trade!" I giggled knowing that he was just picking on me. I slapped him on the arm and then we were faced with another problem. "What now?" I asked after a long pause. "Wow. We ARE bad at this," Steve replied. I laughed again and suggested something. "How about for now," I began. "You go home and work on that romance thing. I will work on....Well, I don't think I have to work on much. I'm pretty cool." Steve laughed and I continued on. "But, like I was saying. Maybe if you work on that romance thing, we could go out tonight and try this thing. If it works, I will go steady with you, and we will officially tell the gang tomorrow." "Okay Mack," he replied. "But, just so you know...There is one thing you need to work on." "And what would that be?" I questioned flirtatiously. "Your ego," he replied laughing his head off. "Shut up!" I yelled at him, giggling. He ran out of my yard and down the street to his house. Boy, was I head over hills. But, was what I had said about Ponyboy being missing true? Did I really just want happiness for myself? Did I really want to do this? I had been wondering this the whole time I had been talking to Steve, and I had no idea yet. I hadn't decided til I saw that dark haired, muscular bodied, green eyed boy running out of the Curtis yard. This is what I wanted, atleast for now.

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