Chapter 14

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I stood in silence for what seemed like eternity. I felt nothing but heartbreak and anger, but I still couldn't get any words out. "What do you mean his girlfriend?" I asked the girl idiotically. "I mean," she replied, "his hugging, kissing, loving, always his, girlfriend. That's what I am." She darted her eyes to Wes who looked down real ashamed. She sighed and then said, "Well, atleast I was." She got up and walked angrily out of the bar her purse swinging on her arm every step of the way. My eyes started tearing up and all my feelings started to suddenly come out. "So, this is what I came up here for?!" I yelled. "To have my heart crushed by a boy I thought I loved! I can't believe this." I shook my head and started to turn around. "Wait," Wes pleaded. "I can explain, Kat, please!" I turned back around. "You know what," I said. "I almost forgot something." I walked up back to the counter and took the drink that his now ex-girlfriend drank out of, and I threw it in his face. I took my finger and swiped the bottom of the glass realizing that it was none other than Pepsi-Cola. I looked at him real mischeviously and uttered, "Mmm. Pepsi-Cola never has tasted so good." With that, I walked out of the Dingo leaving behind shocked faces and an angry boy behind. To myself I laughed, thinking about how stupid I was for getting together with Wes in the first place. How could I think, for just one second, that I could ever love someone who wasn't Sodapop Curtis. I knew at that very moment, whether it made me happy right then or not, I would only be in love with him, and if that meant waiting until the day he died then by God that's what I would do.
I came home only to find Mack passed out on the couch. She was surrounded by tissues and an opened bottle of pills. I quickly ran to her side and started shaking her yelling, "Mack! Mack! Get up! Please!" I began to sob tears rolling down my face. What had she done? About two hours before I had just seen an excited, ready to go on a date, Mack. Now I found my sister passed out and over dosed on the couch. I immediately took the phone in the kitchen and called Darry. It took two full calls before he picked up. He sounded awful with a scratchy voice like he was drunk. Mind you, I hadn't seen Darry since Soda and Pony went missing, and now I needed him more than ever. "Hello? Darry?" I asked. No response. I hung up after waiting for a response for several minutes. A response that never came. I then called 911. An operator picked up and I screamed into the phone what had happened. At this point, I was going to either pass out or die myself. All I could do was at least TRY to stay calm, but it didn't work too well. When the ambulance came, everything after that was a blur. I remember sobbing and trying to call Two-Bit to let him know to come to the hospital. Thankfully, he was t drunk like Darry possibly had been.
At the hospital I waited outside the room with all of the gang. None of us talked for a while, until Steve walked in. I ran up to him and immediately slapped him in the face. "What did you do to my sister?" I yelled. "What did I do to your sister?" He yelled. "More like what did your sister do to me?!" I got the angriest I've ever been with Steve in my life. My anger took over and I started to attack him, and Two-Bit held me back since Darry wasn't there. "Woah!" Two-Bit yelled. "Look at us! What have we become?! We're not even a gang anymore! Look around you! There's only three of us here to support Mack and now not just Johnny and Dally are dead, but we have two others that could be too! And where the hell is Darry? He's not here either! So you know what, maybe we just shouldn't be acquainted at all anymore! It's not like we can stand each other anymore anyways!" With that Steve and I stopped and the doctor walked out of Mack's room saying, "You can see her now." Was Two-Bit right? What if we really did need to separate, and everything that we are doing to keep the group together is just a waste? As I walked into that hospital room, I realized how much trouble we were bringing each other into. Maybe the gang just isn't a gang anymore.

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