Chapter 15

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Aiyana's POV

"So how are you gonna tell him?" I asked, tissha was leaning on the bathroom counter with her head in her hands.

"I have to Yana, what else am I gonna do" she said stepping away from the counter and turning to the mirror.

"Well, when are you gonna do it?" I asked. tissha emotions about this baby have been up and down so I'm not sure how she'll be feeling when it's time to tell him.

"You know what, fuck it, I'm just gonna do it now, if he's anything less Thant ecstatic then I'm leaving" tissha said before bolting out of the bathroom door and down the hall way. I tried my best to keep up with her but her power walk game was so serious.

"Leo?!" Tissha called as we got to the living room.

"I'm in the kitchen babe" Leo called back. tissha made her way I. The direction of the kitchen and I followed close behind.

"Leo there's something I have to tell you" she said once we reached the kitchen, Leo was in there sitting at the island eating something , as usual.

"Well....ummm" tissha began.

"What babe?" Leo chuckled at her nervousness and got up to come stand in front of her and kissed her forehead.

"Leo.... I'm.." She started again.

"Tee, come can tell me" Leo said as he facial expression shifted from amusement to fear.

"Well....Leo.....I'm pregnant" after tissha said those words she let out a huge sigh. and buried her head into Leo's chest.

"Wow...are you serious?" Leo asked stroking the back of her head. tissha didn't speak she just nodded.

"Wow so I'm gonna be a father!" Leo said in excitement. I myself wasn't expecting this to be his reaction but I guess this is something he is ready for.

"Well congrats you guys" I said cheerfully as I walked over to hug them both.

"I gotta go tell rich & Lo about this!" Leo said before kissing tisshas forehead and racing for the stairs.

"See tee, I told you everything would be ok" I said hugging her again, tissha was still seemed to be unsure about how she felt about it though.

"I'm glad he's happy" tissha said dryly.

"Tee, come on, you were just happy a minutie ago" I said giving her the eye.

"No no no, I am happy, I'm just thinking about how my life is about to change in nine months, it's not gonna be about me anymore, it's gonna be about this child, and I don't know how my mama a gonna take this yana, I disappear for a few months then I come back pregnant, she's gonna kill me.

"Tee I know your mom will be surprised for sure but she'll get over it I promise, you know your mother loves you too much to push you away" I said trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, well I guess you're right" tissha said with her head down.

"Tee cheer up, it's gonna be fine girl"

"Ok, ok I'm fine now let's get something to eat" tissha said walking towards the refrigerator.

"Ok girl" I said chuckling .

Lo's POV

"pregnant?, Are you kidding me man?" I asked looking at Leo like he was crazy as fuck.

"Yeah she's pregnant, I'm not joking" Leo said smiling from ear to ear.

"What the fuck you so happy about?, You know what this means?" Rich asked getting In Leo's face.

"Man of course I know what it means, it means I gotta step up and be a man, something yo' bitch ass is afraid to do!" Leo said pushing rich out of his face.

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