Prologue: The Battle Of Millenius

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Thousands of millenniums ago, in a universe of the unknown, there lies a planet where all kinds lived. Capsulia, the home of the Elves, Souls, Humans, Paradoxians, Nestians, and Xendarians. They once lived peacefully, sharing the resources that was provided by Capsulia that is controlled by the elder gods. Until one day, the ruler of Xendaria, Arceus, wanted to be an elder god. So to prove the elder gods that he was worthy, he raised an army to attack all kinds to prove that Xendarians are the superior kind of Capsulia. He began to seek attention from the elder gods, his empire first attacks the lands of Nestians. The Nestians were defenseless from the wrath of Arceus' empire. And so the ruler of the Nestians, Teranka, warned all of Capsulia from this dangerous threat.

After hundreds of scenarios, the Nestians were in a brink of extinction. But then, the humans, elves, and paradoxians forged their might to prevent the Nestians from being extinct. They aided the Nestians, and fought alongside them against Xendaria. At that raging war, the humans have fallen, their population was cut in half, inches away from surrendering.

Arceus was unstoppable. But the Jin, the land of the elder gods, had made a move to summon warriors from Jin alongside one of the elder gods, Seiden. They have fought the Xendarian army, the battle moved the world by its destruction. Until Seiden, the elder god, eliminated Arceus. After Xendaria's defeat, the elder gods have found out that Arceus had an organization that can threat all of Capsulia once again. So they have decided to create realms that can separate all beings to prevent Xendaria's miserable threat. They have divided all kinds to create realms, the realm of Earth for Humans and Nestians, the realm of Alfaktaruk for the elves, the realm of Paradoxia for paradoxians, the realm of Ghut for the souls, and the realm of Xendarius, guarded by the titans of Jin.

Centuries later, Seiden, the elder god who defeated Arceus, had a vision. A vision that all realms will be in danger by the deeds of someone. So he ordered his daughter, Eilen, to investigate and prevent this upcoming madness. For it is possible that the war of Milenius, the war that ended milleniums ago, have not yet ended. For it is possible that that could be part of Arceus' plan.

The Barbaran note: There are 3 ways of travelling from realm to realm, either through portals, through spaceships, or through Jenovan grenades for Teleportation.

Author's note: So yes, that's the whole summary of the battle of millenius, the battle where the madness begun. We'll now proceed to the present time of the story next chapter where we'll find out the current status in The Realm of Earth aka part 2 of 2 of this story's Prologue.

Credits to the rightful owners of the photo that was shown

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