Chapter 1: The Meeting for the Dark Vision

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Darkness, Destruction, War, Death. All were envisioned by Seiden, one of the elder gods. He immediately opened his eyes while meditating. For his vision was the darkest of them all. Seiden furiously called a meeting on the elder gods. Only 4 of the 7 attended because leaving the realms without an eye is a risk to take. The only ones to attend was Zei, Eden, Zermaphrodus, and Seiden.

"And what is this all about?" Asked Zermaphrodus.

"My fellow Elder gods, i have needed your attention. For i have envisioned another destruction between the realms" said Seiden.

"That is indeed impossible" said Zei.
"We have separated all races to prevent such madness, there could never be a dark vision." He mentioned.

"How could I possibly lie? I would never do such thing." Said Seiden.

Eden asked for more information about Seiden's dark vision.

"All I have seen was darkness, all I have heard were innocent screams, all I have smelt was blood from lives who died in vain. I did not have a chance to know the cause of this madness." said Seiden.

"Perhaps, could it be the Xendarians again?" Asked Eden.

"It is indeed impossible!" Zei implied.
"We have sent titans to guard Xendaria's Realm. They are indeed harmless to our titans. They could never lit a conflict against other realms" He said.

"I do not agree with you" said Zermaphrodus.
"Yes, Xendarians does not have the ability to defeat our titans. But Arceus can. Do you still remember the events at the great war of Millenius? From the depths of Xendaria, we have to sent an Elder god to Vanish them. Yes, Arceus is dead. But how about his descendants? There is a possibility that they could defeat our titans, and once again create destruction among peaceful realms." He added.

Everyone agreed on Zermaphrodus' opinion. So they made him take control of this. Zermaphodus then created a plan. The Elder gods cannot leave Jin to explore realms with their own might. So he then called the attention of Seiden's daughter, Eilen, to assign a very important mission.

"Eilen, daughter of Seiden. I will assign you, to go explore and observe the lands of Xendaria. For they might be planning to create madness again." Said Zermaphrodus.

"But Elder Zermaphrodus, I indeed have questions. Out of curiosity, why would you Elder gods need to send me to observe Xendaria? They have Jin's titans as guards against them incase they attempt to declare war. And also, don't you Elder gods have someone to observe Xendaria? Where is Elder Hermania? Isn't she assigned to maintain balance in Xendaria?" Said Eilen.

"I have heard Hermania's words about this." Said Zei.
"She said that everything is under controlled by her in Xendaria. She has not witnessed any forbidden act from them."
He implied.

"If that is what she have said, then why do you Elder gods still want to send me there? It is not that I oppose, I just need a clear reason and explanation." Said Eilen

"My daughter" Said Seiden.
"The visions were never wrong. We want you to explore not just only Xendaria my precious one. I had a vision that there is an upcoming civil war once again in Earthrealm. You are their hope to stop them. You are the key to prevent a tremendous amount of innocent casualties. You can be the chosen one my Daughter, you can be one of us." He added.

"Well, if is that so, may i have a request? I am indeed afraid that I cannot fulfill this quest alone. Is it perhaps alright to recruit people in Earthrealm?" Asked Eilen.

"It is alright, but Eilen, daughter of Seiden, you shall pick your allies wisely. Earthrealm's nations and its citizens are not intact to one another. Or at least, some of them. Your quest is to explore Xendaria, not to create a conflict between Earth's citizens." Ordered by Zermaphrodus.

And so they have sent Eilen in Earthrealm to start her mission. Eilen was given power by the Elder gods. Just like her father, Seiden, She can manipulate the element of Lightning that is applicable in all realms. In equipment, the Elder gods have given her two swords that were forged by the strong Metals of Jin and a tremendous amount of Jenovan Grenades. Eilen was soon sent to a snowy and cold land in Earthrealm. While exploring this land, she saw a Flourescent lighted city from miles away. While sightseeing this mysterious skyline, she then smiled and said "This is going to be a great journey". And she used her power to teleport. A large lightning struck her, then she eventually disappeared.

At the realm of Jin, Seiden sensed Eden's nervousness. Seiden wondered what caused her getting nervous. She then replied that she was nervous because of Eilen's journey. Seiden calmly replied "Worry not, for she is my daughter, I have faith on her completion and that she will become one of us someday". Eden buried away her Anxiety and proceeded to Meditate while observing the Realm of Alfaktaruk.

Barbaran note: Whenever something bad happens in a realm, the Elder gods will send an agent to prevent such happening. Eilen is one of those agents. They are identified as the "Agents of Jin" but unfortunately they only have 5 members of that organization.

Author's note: Ok so i really have nothing to say regarding this chapter. But yes that's chapter one. Since i have nothing to say, i just want to say that i accept suggestions and feedbacks regarding this story. I would like to know what you guys think of the story, corrections about the story, and your idea on how to make it better. That's it lmao see you in the next chapter!:))

Credits to the rightful owners of the photos that were shown

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