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"Hello, Jangmi reporting Hush News. On the news for weather tonight, strange events have occurred in Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforest in Yunnan. It appears to be having its largest—and very first, forest fire. As you can see in this helicopter recording, the fire is spreading rapidly, due to the sheer amount of vegetation- hold on, I'm receiving new information as we speak," The news reporter's eyes widened in confusion before saying, "There has been a sudden change of events. What seems to be a typhoon has appeared over the area. The fire is completely gone, and the area is flooding, the eye of the storm right over the most animal-populated area. Please stay tuned as we monitor another one of Nature's defences."

Somewhere in the mix of ocean and lake water-turned rain, was Minghao's tears.

The rain plummeted down, flooding every nook and crevice it could find. It went around animals, and gently took the bodies of those who became victims of a fiery death. The sky turned even darker, from a inky blue to a pitch black, the only things visible in the sky were the swirling clouds above.

Jun held Minghao's thrashing body in a cast-iron hug, as he screamed in anguish for his home, the tears trailing down the younger's face being whipped from his skin and flung towards the storm. He held the typhoon he made until all the light from the fire vanished, and he was sure it was completely gone. Then he exhaled, and the rain fell to a stop. His body grew fast with fatigue and weakness, his arms falling limp. Minghao took this as an opportunity to rip off Jun's arms and stand up.

"You," Minghao's voice boomed throughout the silent forest, "You should not have done that." He bent down and grabbed Jun's collar, the older groaning in pain as he was suddenly lifted up. "I'm going to kill you."

The threatened boy could barely lift his eyes open. Pain from Minghao's poison and thorns bombarded his senses, but he could still see the poison oak horns that sprouted from his head and the juniper glow of his eyes. He could feel the cactus needles digging into his skin as Minghao changed his hand's position from Jun's collar to his neck. The younger pressed him against the tree with seemingly possessed eyes.

"Give me one good reason why I won't slit your throat right now."

Jun whimpered, tears blurring his vision as he choked out a whisper. This only made Minghao angrier, his eyes narrowing.

"Speak up! Or else I might just rip out your vocal chords," the younger growled out. Jun tapped Minghao's hands that were holding his neck, and gagged. The hands loosened slightly, and Jun scrunched his eyes before saying three words.

"I love you."

Minghao's eyes widened, their murky green turning back to a soft brown as he dropped Jun, and stumbled back. Jun gasped as soon as the pressure left his throat. Minghao paid no mind to him, or course, too consumed in the blaring pain in his head and body. The thorns that grew out of his skin withered and fell to the ground. Jun looked up, seeing the Minghao he grew to care for so quickly back to himself again. Jun gave a weak smile.

"Jun? What happened? Oh my god, are you hurt?" Minghao spoke out, confusion and fear glazed in his eyes.

His smile quickly faded.

A/N: i hate hate HATE your hair and makeup today

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