Coming Home

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#ElpízoPhotoPrompt6: Leaves
Written by: Angelica Marasigan

Coming Home

"Where have i seen it before?"

He wondered, noticing for the first time a particular tree in the park near his office. He had passed this park so many times, to and fro his workplace and never noticed it. Only now.

The tree was full of life.

He started walking towards the tree to take a closer look. Under its shade was a wooden bench. He could not help but take a sit.

He had been conflicted for days now. Maybe weeks but he wasn't sure anymore. His work worn him down. The internal conflict to do the right thing, yet at the same time, survive in his profession was exhausting him.

He heaved a long sigh. He wished he was like the tree. Barely surviving each passing day, he envied the tree as it was thriving.

His life was becoming monotonous, it made him dull. He was going through the motions now of an adult's life. Disillusionment was seeping in him each passing day.

But today, the tree somehow broke off his monotony. It reminded him of something. Someone.


A feeling, a sense of home.

From then on, he would take time to sit under its shade. He would go to work earlier than usual so he could drink his morning coffee while watching the tree.

He would Breath in and out the fresh air under its shade. It's as if it will give him strength for another day at work. Ever since noticing the tree, work have become exciting again though the exhaustion was still there.

After work, he would also sit for a few minutes before going home. He watched the light breeze sway the leaves, the setting sun's rays coming through, he remembered home.

"Home", he said it outloud.

For him, it was not a place where he was born. Home was where he once were a few years ago, when he was young and immature.

It was a place with faces of people who made him feel like he belonged. Maybe it was the reason why he liked sitting under the tree.

It felt like home.

The tree reminded him of a person he got to know way back when he was a young man.

He called her "nanay" or mother in their native tongue. Yet she was actually only a few years older than him. She and her family were called to open their home for troubled teens and students, taking them in and providing for their food and lodging. It was for them, their way of showing passion for God and compassion for people.

He was one of the many they took in.

They served and fostered young teens, mothering and fathering them. They accepted and loved anyone and everyone as graciously as they could.

They became in a sense, their home away from home.

In between his sips of coffee one morning, he remembered her words. They were bittersweet, he thought. Both sweet and bitter but good for the soul. She always wanted what was best for you. Even if it caused you a little pain. But more so on her part.

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