Chapter 2 🥀~Leaving Home

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Oakland, California
August 17th

Leaving Home

Frustratingly rubbing through her scalp as she sat in the living room, hearing her mothers words attacking and piercing through her like knives, Beyoncé sighed, having the urge to punch the wall. Here her mother was, screaming her lungs off, insulting Beyoncé like she always does, especially when she's drunk. Yelling hurtful things, blaming her for almost everything that happens.

It was like she hated Beyoncé. Beyoncé never understood why her mother always picked on her. Maybe it was because she hated her father? Or maybe it was because she was a intersex and had a penis? Maybe it was because Beyoncé had no choice but to be gay and Beyoncé knewww how much Tina hated the LGBT community.

But still, Beyoncé never understood why Tina hated her... She really tried her best to be the best daughter to her mother. Helping her out with bills, babysitting Solange, making sure the house was sparkly neat, and even buying groceries when her mother wasn't able too. She does all of that but yet her mother still seemed to hate her.

She looked at her mother and noticed she was a little drunk. She was clumsy, her words sounded slur, and her eyes were droopy, as if she's sleepy. Usually when her mother is drunk, all she wanna do is yell and attack Beyoncé. It was sad to see her like this.

Tina was never really this way. Ever since her last ex husband left her for a younger broad, Tina has never been the same. Everyday she was angry, she always wanted to get drunk and she basically stop caring about her two daughters.

She still worked and made her money, but sometimes all the money she makes goes to herself, making Beyoncé step up and help out with the bill's. "My money, my business. I got better things to do with my money. You don't have anything to do with your money so stop complaining about paying bill's. You'll have to do it in a few years anyways," Tina would always say.

And now that Beyoncé thought about it, she'll actually be paying bills in a few months because she was done with this. She was done with this yelling. It's definitely time for her to go. It was no point of her staying in this cramped up house, having her mother yell in her ear every single day for no reason.

If she's able to pay bills in this house and buy groceries then that means she could easily do that when she gets her own place. She doesn't need her mother. Her mother needs her but at this point, fuck her. Her mother needed her but yet hated and disrespected her. Beyonce was about to be 18 soon and be a legal adult. So yea it was definitely time for her to go and be on her own.

Beyoncé got up from the couch, stretching her body as her mother kept on going with the insults. "You stupid bitch! You always complaining and never wanna be grateful! Just like yo' stupid ass daddy, I hate that man and I hate you too just because you his child," Tina continued sitting down at the dinning table before taking another swing of her Jack Daniels liquor.

Beyoncé calmly walked away from her, walking towards the bedroom she shared with her younger sister. Entering the bedroom just to find her 12 year old sister sitting on the bed with a distressed look. "She's drunk again?" Solange asked looking at her older sister.

Beyoncé simply nodded before picking up her duffle bag placing it on her bed. Solange looked at her weirdly, watching Beyonce grab her clothing. Before Solange can ask her what she's doing, their mother pops up at the door. "So you just gon' walk away w-while I'm talkinggg to y-you?" Tina asked resting her body on the wall.

Beyoncé ignored her placing her clothes in her duffle bags. "What the h-hell you think you'reeee d-doing?" Tina asked.

"I'm leaving," Beyoncé simply says.

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