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- i need to write something happier otherwise i'll lose my mind -

It was a fine Friday evening at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The students were slowly making their way to the Great Hall for dinner, the quiet of the room being quickly replaced with chatter and laughs.
Ron, Hermione and Harry sat down at their usual spots.
"Honestly, Ronald. You should've paid more attention in class!" Hermione said. Ron had made a mess of his potion in Snape's class which earned him a weekend of detention.
"I was.. distracted" Ron replied, making excuses "but nevermind that! The potion was too bloody hard to make anyway!"
Harry chuckled in agreement.
"Oh, whatever" the girl gave up.

As soon as the food appeared, Ron dug into it like always, as if he hadn't eaten in weekes, earning a sigh from Hermione.

"Jesus, Ronald. Slow down, you don't want to choke do you?" she asked.

Ron looked like he was going to choke.

"What the hell is Jesus?" he asked, confusion all over his face. Hermione scoffed exasperated.
"I'll explain later mate" Harry said, patting him on the back friendly.

Taking Hermione's advice this time, Ron went back to eating, but slower.

Harry allowed himself to look over at the Slytherin table, searching for Draco.

"Not there is he?" Hermione asked quietly, trying to be discreet although she knew it would take Ron ages to put two and two together.
"It appears so" Harry sighed. "I'll go check-"
A loud bang interrupted him, and he instinctively turned towards Seamus.
"Wasn't me mate" Seamus said, his hands up with innocence.
Harry gave him a small smile and sat up, wanting to look for Draco.
"Harry, wait! Maybe you could go look for him after dinner, please? You have to eat sometime you know" Hermione said, looking out for her friend.

Yeah, but Draco's somewhere, not eating.

Hermione read Harry's expression with ease.
"And you can take some food to Draco once you're done as well, seeing as he's skipping dinner."
Harry sat down "I guess you're right. What was that sound anyway?"
"Probably just Fred and George, up to their usual mischief" Ron replied.
"Oh, right" Harry said and started eating, although the hole in his stomach didn't seem to go away. He was starting to get worried, what was Draco up to and why didn't he know?

Down in the Slytherin Dungeon, Draco Malfoy was restlessly working on a potion.
Veritaserum- he intended to use it on Blaise.
Ever since Draco and Harry had become friends, Blaise looked at them like he knew something; something that Draco didn't and it was annoying him to say the least.

"What's your little friend up to today, Malfoy?"
"I can't wait for you two to brew an Amortentia together."
"Maybe you should get some glasses since you're so blind to other people's behaviour."

Needless to say, Draco had no clue as to what secret Blaise was running his mouth about, and was keen on finding out.


Back at the Great Hall, students were slowly finishing dinner and heading back to their dorms.

As he was leaving, Harry spotted Blaise and quickly took him aside.
"Have you seen Malfoy?"
"Oh, missing your darling already?" Blaise taunted.
"Shush! Only you and Hermione know!" the Gryffindor scolded.

Harry regretted nothing more than that one night at the Three Broomsticks, in Hogsmeade. He had agreed to hang out with Blaise, thinking nothing of it. Taking advantage of the opportunity to get absolutely smashed, Harry told Blaise about his not-so-mild crush on Draco. Ever since, the Slytherin has been teasing Harry about it all the time, even with Draco around.
Little did he know, he was just trying to set them up.
He had also told Hermione, who was very supportive of him, and covered for him when needed. Somehow Ron managed to not notice, even if they were talking right next to him.

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