Police Cars

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When it comes to school Ive always done my work just to get by. I don't really pay attention to my teacher, well, I try not too. They're always so mean. It could be the simplest thing that will set them off.

Chase: "So why are you here again?"

Chase has been my best friend since basically forever.

Mya: "It was stupid. I was late to Mr. Ryan's class even tho I was right at the door."

Mr. Ryan is our math teacher. He hates anything and everything and everyone.

Chase: "Right. Detention isn't really your scene. You belong in a library."

Mya: "That's not funny. And how come it's your scene?"

Chase: "You know I'm still here because of that epic prank I pulled. You should've helped, it was GOLDEN."

Mya: "I don't see how erasing Mr. Ryan's math board in the middle of class is golden but whatever"

Chase is hands down my best friend but he is a little different from me. He's more.....wild.

Chase: "It was definitely golden. His face turned more red then a tomato he looked like he was going to explode. He had to rewrite everything and it held us up almost the rest of the class so we got no homework. Epic.

Mya: "Whatever you say"

Mya says sarcastically

Next morning

As usual I woke up and walked to school with my crew. Chase, Max, and the twins Dylan and Micah.

Max: "20 seconds. I'm giving them 20 seconds and I'm leaving"

Mya: "Max.."

Max: "No don't Max me. This happens every morning. Those girls take FOREVER to come out the house.

He was right. Dylan and Micah do take forever. But it doesn't bother me plus we live close so it's not like we are gonna be late. Max just likes to be early and see anything happening.

Dylan: "Did we take too long?"

Micah: "Yeah did Max have a heart attack yet?"

They knew he never liked to wait for them and they loved to mess with him.

Max: "I swear one of these day I will leave you two."

Dylan: "Can't wait."

Dylan starts laughing

Micah goes over to Chase and gives him a kiss on the cheek

Chase and Micah have been dating for about 2 mouths now. I don't care but it's the fact that me and him are so close that drives her crazy. Me and Dylan are cool but Micah definitely has it out for me. It's no biggie tho, Chase knows she gets jealous but he doesn't sweat over it.

Max: "Ok well while you guys sit here and talk I'm going to start walking."

Dylan: "If you're in such a hurry you should just carry us all there."

Max gives Dylan a mean stare and starts walking

Mya: "Come on Max lighten up we are close it's ok."

Max: "Yeah yeah whatever. I didn't hear you saying that yesterday after you got that detention for being late to Ryan's class."

Mya shoves Max and says,

Mya: "Oh shut up. It's not like I'm going to be in detention for a week, like somebody we know."

Mya looks at Chase

Chase: "Na na na don't bring me into this."

Everyone laughs

Micah: "See Max we are almost there, no need to stress."

Max: "Yeah whatever. It'll probably take us more time to get around those police cars."

Mya: "Police cars?"

Everyone looked forward and sure enough there were a bunch of police cars in the street in front of us. The weird thing was....they were at the school.

When we got closer we noticed that there was several police cars....and a ambulance. There was no way to get threw and when we tried to walk up we got stopped.

Police Officer: "You kids can't go any further."

Max: "But this is our school what are you talking about, what happened."

Police Officer: "Right now this is a crime scene."

Chase: "Crime scene?"

Police Officer: "There was a murder."

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