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Dylan: "A murder?!?!? What do you mean a murder this is the most boring school on the planet."

Police Officer: "I can't give any details of what happened but I do need to tell you that you kids need to step back and go home"

We all just kind of shrugged and turned to walk back toward home. But before I fully turned I see someone on a stretcher. Of course I could see his or her face, but there was a couple with a little kid standing by the door. I know that little girl

Mya: "Riley?"

I said quietly

Mya: "Oh my god!"

Everyone turned around and I started walking closer to the school

Chase: "Hey."

Chase says walking back and grabbing my arm

Chase: "What are you doing? Lets go."

Everything was going so fast in my head. Looking from Riley, to the couple, to the stretcher, to the dozens and dozens of police people all around. It was definitely her

Mya: "It's Riley."

Chase: "What?"

I pointed to the little girl and the couple

Chase: "Ok it's Riley, Jonah, and Allie. What's the big deal? There's a lot of parents here."

He didn't get it

Mya: "Chase, why would they be here right now? Why is a 5 year old girl at a high school with her crying mother right now? Why are they the ONLY family within 3 feet of this place?"

It looked like it hit him like a truck. He looked up from the family to the stretcher and he knew I was right. It was Micheal

Micheal is Chase's cousin. They were pretty close as cousins go plus they lived really close. I knew there family like my own. Chase and I would babysit Riley all the time

At this moment I knew that Michael, the only person who might be closer to Chase then I was, was getting wheeled out of our school on a stretcher, and had been murdered the night before

I looked at Chase and he had a blank look on his face like he was trying to process everything

Mya: "Chase are-"

Chase: "Let's go."

Mya: "Are you sure? We could tell them-"

Chase: "Come on. We shouldn't be here."

Before I could say anything he was walking

On the way back nobody really said anything. None of the rest of them really knew Micheal but they knew how close Chase was to him. We ended up going to Chase's place and right when he opened the door and saw his mom she had a sad look and he knew it was real. He had a deviating look on his face and he turned around and started walking toward my house

Micah: "Chase, where-"

I shot her a look to shut up and we all just walked with him and went to my place instead

When we got in my place he went to my room and closed to the door. He has been to my house lots of times and knew it better then his own so it didn't matter

Mya: "You guys want some food?"

Micah: "You're joking right?"

Mya: "Um no since usually we get food at school but we can't so I figured I would make something. You not hungry?"

Micah: "Chase's closest family member is dead and you're thinking about food."

She rolls her eyes and starts heading toward my room

Mya: "Open that door and I'll cut off your hand."

She gives me a surprised look

Micah: "Excuse me."

Mya: "I said, open that door, and I'll cut off your hand. Did you not hear me clearly?"

Micah: "No I heard you I was just trying to figure out if I believed you or not."

Mya: "Wanna test it and find out?"

I take a knife from the counter and start walking toward her

Max: "Woah woah ok no need for anyone to lose any limbs."

He says as he takes the knife from me

Mya: "Look, I know Chase. He needs some time to himself right now. If he wanted people busting in and talking to him he would have stayed at his own house."

Dylan: "Yeah maybe just give him a few minutes, M."

Micah: "Yeah ok whatever."

Max: "Well now that nobody is cutting anyone any time soon, I will take you up on that food offer, I'm starving."

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