The Explanation

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No one really knew what to say after Chase said that. All we could really do is just sit and listen at that point

After a little while as we were getting done eating we decided that the 5 of us would just stay at my place

The next morning (5 a.m)

Dylan: "Hey. Hey. Guys wake up."

Mya: "What? What's going on?"

Dylan: "I woke up cause I heard the door open. Chase just left."

Max: "What? What do you mean he left?"

Dylan: "I mean he got up and walked out the door."

As she said that Micah sprang up and went to the window

Micah: "I see him across the street. He's not far, come on let's go."

We all hurried out of the door after him. Usually I would say we had to be quiet but my parents were already gone for work so it didn't matter

Max: "Chase, what's up man where are you going?"

Chase: "Going? No where, I was just coming back actually."

Dylan: "Wait what? I saw you leave."

Chase: "You probably went back to sleep. I've been gone since 3. I was trying to come back before you guys woke up."

Micah: "Why? Is everything ok?"

Mya: "Yeah where did you go?"

When I say that his expression changes and he starts walking toward my house again

Chase: "The school."

We all look at each other

Max: "What did you go up there for?"

He keeps walking but we start to follow him

Chase: "I told you. There will be a reckoning. I'm going to find out who did this."

Mya: "Ok. So what did you do when you went up there? The police just let you help investigate?"

Chase: "Of course not. I snuck in."

We all pause and look at each other not knowing what to say to him

Mya: "Ok.... and what did you find?"

He stops in his tracks and looks at us

Chase: "There was a group of teachers at the school the night before it happened. They weren't supposed to be there but they were. The police are questioning all of them because it would have had to happen around the time they were their."

Max: "Wait dude do you really think it could have been one of the teachers?"

Chase: "I know exactly who it was."

We all asked who at the same time waiting to hear his answer. He stopped looking at us and put his head down looking even more upset

Chase: "Michael's parents haven't been getting along for a while. His mom started going out with Mr. Ryan about a month or two ago. Of course nobody knew because i would look bad on a lot of people. Micheal found out maybe a week ago or so and told me-"

Dylan: "Hold up you're not saying it was Mr. Ryan are you?"

We all had the look of worry on our faces

Chase: "Micheal wasn't always the smartest person when it came to blackmail. He had a bad grade in his class. Just put two and two together. I will be honest I don't no for sure what happen but its not like its not obvious."

Micah: "Did your parents know he knew."

Chase: "No. he only told me that he knew and after he had the bad grade he was going to try to talk him into changing it. I told him he shouldn't because his mom would be mad if she found out."

Known of us really had words to what we were hearing, we just kind of stood there processing everything

Mya: "So what are you going to do now that you think its him?"

Chase: "I want to talk to my aunt. I want to see what she has to say first since nobody else really knows."

Personally, I thought he should just go to the police without a second thought

Mya: "Ok. We are all here for you when you're done."

After we got done talking we all went back to my house since it was still early. School was going to be closed for a few days while the police investigated. Around 11am we all were still just hanging around my house when Chase said he was going to go ahead and go see his aunt. We all said ok and that we would wait here for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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