- one - *

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one. welcome to oblivion

The red, corner booth was secluded, which allowed Danika Beckett to lean across the table and plant a quick kiss on her boyfriend's lips.

The boy across from her had brown skin, light brown eyes, and dark hair. Kelce returned her kiss, smiling over at the girl.

Her red, glossy lips curved into a small smile, her manicured fingers pushing her dark brown curls behind her ears; her silver, simple dangling earrings were displayed. The matched the thin, silver chain clasped around her pale neck. Her black, spaghetti strap dress, which fell just above her knees and was a loose body-con fit, had a slit that went up to her mid-thigh. The dress matched her nail polish, her fingers holding a baby blue nail polish. This polish matched the button-down dress shirt Kelce was dawning, as well as the blue-gray suede heels strapped around Dani's ankles.

"What are you getting?" Dani questioned the boy across the table. He had glanced down at the menu, his attention being brought back up to the stunning girl across the table from him. He closed it, placing it on the dark wooden table.

"Chicken tenders." A small smile played at his lips, his tone utterly serious.

A small smile came to Danika's face, her eyes rolling up to the ceiling where a crystal chandelier was hanging above their table. She brought her eyes back to the boy in front of her. She pulled her right hand out of her lap, outstretching it across the table. Kelce met her in the middle, gripping it with his left hand. Her metal rings were cold in his palm, the boy squeezing her hand gently.

"Are you okay?" he questioned, the smile never leaving his lips; he had no reason for it to, he was happy. Something about sitting across from the girl while she just simply basked in his presence brought happiness to him. His question, however, was at the girl's lack of conversation.

She didn't answer his question. Instead, she flashed a small smile, placing her left hand on the table in front of her. "Why are we here, Kelce?"

They were at a small, exclusive Italian restaurant in Figure Eight. Kelce had simply told the girl to be ready and dressed up; he said he would be picking her up at seven for dinner. She resented this restaurant but didn't have the heart to tell Kelce once they arrived. She knew how much work he must've gone through to get a reservation.

"For dinner?" he replied stupidly. A small laugh escaped his dark pink lips, the boy cocking his head slightly. "Did you not want Italian?" His tone had become something of concern and his face slightly fell.

Dani inhaled, releasing her breath. She knew that Kelce had not chosen this place independently; he had and she had established there was no need to impress each other. The restaurant that the pair were currently dining in was the place you brought someone to make a good impression or to deliver some news, or maybe even win someone back. It wasn't the place where you just went out to dinner with someone you cared about.

"Did Rafe tell you to take me here?"

Any sign of happiness that was displayed on Kelce's face disappeared at the mention of the boy's name. He was unsure of how to answer her question. "He said you liked Italian-"

Danika sighed again, cutting the boy off. "Why do you listen to a thing Rafe says? I know what you probably went through to get in here, Kelce. You know you don't have to do that-"

It was now his turn to let out an exasperated breath, stopping the girl mid-sentence. "I wanted to, Danika. I wanted to do something nice for you. Because I care about you. Am I allowed to do something nice for our two month anniversary?"

She shook her head, pausing for a moment. "I appreciate all you do, but I don't want you to break your back for me." His thumb rubbed her palm.

His smile returned at the renewed attitude the girl was no expressing. "Don't worry, only my arm." He attempted to be humorous, but Dani just cocked her head slightly and gave him a serious look. "Okay, okay."

The waiter, dressed in black slacks, a white undershirt, a black vest, and a red bow tie approached the table. A small black book was in his right hand, a pen held securely in his left hand. "Were you ready to place your order, folks?" He glanced between Kelce and Danika.

Kelce glanced across the table at Dani, as she gave him a nod of confirmation that she was, indeed, ready to order. She pulled out of his hand, him releasing it. Kelce nodded, glancing up to the server and then back at Dani. "Ladies first."

She smiled up at the waiter. "I'd like Pasta Fresca, please." The linguine with cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil, and shallots served in olive oil sounded extremely appetizing.

"Of course, and we're the toasted pine nuts okay in that?" the brown-haired man questioned, most likely in case there were any allergies.

"Yes, sir," Dani replied, smiling up as he jotted down the order. Her attention then turned to Kelce, the waiter focusing on him additionally.

"And for you, sir?"

"I'm gonna do the Cajun Pasta, please." This take on linguine had a creamy, Cajun sauce with cherry tomatoes and herbs.

"And shrimp or chicken for that?"

"Shrimp, please." Dani reaches across the table, gesturing for Kelce to pass her the menu. He handed her the closed item, Dani stacking them neatly.

"Thank you, folks, that should be out soon." Dani passed the stack to the brown-haired waiter as he muttered a "thank you." He then headed off, presumably to put their food order in.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The evening had brought the couple to Danika's grand home. It was only her present for the weekend, as her father was out of town for business; this was a common occasion.

Dani had her legs stretched across the plush, white sofa. Her back was pressed into the corner of the L-shaped couch, a bottle of wine in her right hand. She pulled the bottle of Chardonnay from her lips, her face screwing up as she swallowed, stretching it out to Kelce across from her.

Her hands fell into her laps, her eyes going from her closed palms up to Kelce. She let out a small laugh. "You ever think about what could be different?"

Kelce lowered their bottle, scrunching his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" he questioned, taking a sip of the drink and extending the bottle to her.

She grasped it, holding it by the neck. "My house is worth almost two million dollars, Kelce. Two million dollars for a house, Kelce. This dress, this ugly ass dress, cost almost a grand. What if I was poor?" The wine was beginning to take hold of her.

"What?" he questioned, the girl's words and demeanor throwing him off slightly.

She ignored his apparent lack of following. "Do you think I'd be happier?"

Kelce shook his head, "You know what kind of trash lives on the island, Dani. What, you'd rather not have pennies to your name?" He was confused at the resentment she seemed to exhibit toward wealth in her semi-intoxicated state.

She shrugged. "I just wonder." Danika went quiet, taking a sip of the alcohol and glancing down at her lap.

Kelce let out a mocking laugh. "You used to be friends with them, Dani, just go ask." He was referencing the close relationship she had shared with John B Routledge in her younger years. She rolled her eyes at his remark, sinking even further back into her seat.

It was a low blow.

Danika lived within a bubble, but she could see outside of it. She wasn't oblivious. "Look at the people we're friends with now."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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