- four - *

110 3 0

may be triggering (sexual assault)

four. first

Dani let herself into the Cameron home, the front door having been unlocked. She had received a text, which she had chosen to ignore. It then began a phone call which she didn't answer, and then another text. The text was from Rafe, explaining that he was drunk and needed a ride.

The last thing Danika wanted was for Rafe to kill himself or someone else, so she went to drive him in the late hours of the night wherever he needed.

The living room was dark, her entering quietly in order to prevent potentially waking anyone else possibly in the home. Danika headed over to the wall, her movements slow in order to not bump into anything that may be in the path. When she flipped on the light switch, she noticed Rafe sitting back against the couch. The site of the boy caused her to jump up slightly.

She glanced over at him expectantly, "Where do you need me to take you?" He glanced up at her, a small smile on his lips. Her car keys hung loosely in her right hand.

He patted the space on the couch next to him. "Come sit."

"Rafe, it is one in the morning-" Dani said warningly, wanting the boy to hurry up. He had awoken her from her rest.

He rolled his eyes, waving his hand at her. He patted again, his face holding amusement. "Come on," he encouraged, his words light.

She rolled her eyes at him, walking over to the sofa in the lit room. She turned, sitting down on the plush sofa next to Rafe. Rafe then rose to his feet, bending on in front of her. He dropped to his knees, placing a hand on her thigh.

Dani sighed heavily, shaking her head; she should've known. "Rafe, no, come on." She pushed his hand off of her leg, attempting to pull herself to her feet from around the boy. He instead grabbed her wrist, pulling her down harshly. He pulled her car keys from her hand, tossing them behind him. They skidded across the floor, out of Danika's reach.

"We haven't done this in weeks, Dani." His grip was still maintained on her wrist; she wasn't going anywhere.

"I'm done, we have to stop, Rafe." She shook her head at him; Kelce and Dani were becoming serious in their relationship, and she couldn't do that to him. "I don't want this anymore."

Rafe simply shushed her, his right hand trailing from her wrist up to her neck. His sudden grip led a small gasp to escape from Dani's lip. The hand was not suffocating, but tight as if in warning. He brought his lips up to her jaw, kissing lightly. Danika held back a whimper. The smell of alcohol was present on his breath.

Rafe's finger began down at her thigh, brushing past the inside. His left index finger then cut across her left thigh, heading to the side. The boy loosely pushed the material of her shorts up to reveal more of her leg. He moved on from it, releasing the hook on the soft cloth. Rafe's eyes never left her face, as he then moved up to her side. As his finger traced her side, goosebumps spread through her. The finger grazed the bare flesh between the waistband of her shorts and the hem of her hoodie. She kept her eyes locked on the floor in front of her. He continued to move up, his finger than reaching the side of her cheek. In one quick movement, his slow skim turned into a hard grip as he released his right hand from her neck.

The boy's large hand grabbed her chin, squeezing the sides of her face roughly between his thumb and his fingers. He pulled her face from its downward position to look up at him. She swallowed at the boy's clutch, the noise sounding out in her ears. "Rafe, please stop," she quietly begged.

She kept eye contact with the boy as she kept a harsh grip on her face; his eyes were red and his pupils were like saucers. Dani knew he was beginning to come off of a high. "Do you want me to ruin Kelce?"

"What?" she quietly choked out. She was terrified of what the boy would do if she upset him further. She had already upset him adequately enough for him to react in this fashion. Somehow, it seemed so easy for Dani to invoke the violent side of Rafe.

Despite the brutality he was expressing towards her, he still had a sinister smile on his face. "What, do you not think I can?" A small laugh came from his lips. "You know what kind of friends I have, Danika. You want me to crush his future?"

Dani didn't say anything, averting the eye contact Rafe was attempting to force. He squeezed her face tighter, yanking her face back up towards him. He took his right hand, bringing his open palm against the other side of the girl's face. "Answer me, Danika!" His voice was now more rough and irate. His eyebrows were pulled together and his face held the fury he was expressing in his actions. His eyes were a bright shade of red.

"No," she choked back, tears coming to her eyes due to Rafe's actions. She was terrified of the boy; something about the way a switch would just flip in his brain was alarming. It was as if he could turn his humanity on. A few tears spilled over, Dani breathing heavily in an attempt to calm herself. "Please, Rafe, just stop," she pleaded quietly.

A small frown came to his face. He loosened his grip on her face, pulling his hand off of her chin. He then brought the back of his hand to her cheek in order to wipe her tears. Danika flinched at his movement towards her, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Oh, Dani," he calmly muttered. "You have to stop crying; there's no need. I just need you to behave." His tone was suddenly soft, as he brought his palm to cup her face. He took his thumb, bending down in front of the girl. Rafe brushed the tears from her left cheek. "You're gonna just behave, right?"

Dani clenched her eyes shut; all she desperately wanted was to leave. She knew the sooner she obliged with Rafe, the sooner she would get to go home. She failed to answer his question. His hand found its way around her neck, squeezing so tightly she couldn't breath. She then nodded her head as much as she could, her hands reaching up to pull at Rafe's grasp. He released at her nod.

"Good," he muttered, smiling at her softly. "Can you open your eyes, doll?" Danika took a shaky breath, slowly pulling her eyes open to Rafe's smiling face. Her stomach churned at the sight of the boy. "Why don't we go upstairs and make you feel good?"

Right now, it didn't really matter what Danika wanted; she was too afraid to refuse again. Rafe didn't care about her visible discomfort or her refusal. Rafe Cameron got what he wanted.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Dani was in the bed next to Rafe, dressed in a absolutely nothing. She had soreness all throughout her body.

The sexual contact was primarily Rafe manhandling her to appease himself. She felt disgusting, waiting for him to snore. She knew that once he began to snore, he was well enough asleep that she could leave the home.

All she desperately wanted was to shower. All she wanted to do was scrub Rafe away from her. She felt as though she needed to cry and scream and vomit all simultaneously.

She took a deep, shaky breath and tried to reason with herself. She was overreacting. She had sex with Rafe, it was something they had done before.

But something in her stomach told her that it wasn't just hooking up meaninglessly with Rafe. And it wouldn't let her forget.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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