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(Don't let the beginning scare you off. If you're skeptical skip to chapter 1. It all comes around I promise.)

"You can't tell anyone, do you understand me?" Vaughn snapped, taking the stranger by shoulder.

"Go fuck yourself. Let me go, or you can find yourself laying down with the rest of these dicks." the blonde snapped, pulling away from his grip. Vaughn glanced over the stranger and at the half dozen bodies littering the dirty alleyway. The only light breaking the darkness was the moonlight and the lighting on the armor the shorter was wearing.

"Who are you?" Vaughn hissed, shifting his weight as he watched the green eyed blonde before him. This person wasn't normal. He was watching Vaughn in such a way that it made the other's skin crawl.

"No one if you don't want your name on a roster," blonde glared. "If you want to live your life the way it's always been, you're going to forget what you've seen."

"You're U.N. aren't you?"

The stranger didn't answer, but Vaughn knew he was right even if the blonde didn't so much as blink at the mere suggestion.

"I warned you," the stranger muttered as he raised his weapon.

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