chapter 1

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(a/n: i know this trope has been continuously used but i have big plans for this story soo stick around to see what happens, if you want! also, i aged rin up a bit just because it would suit the story better)

I've created something beautiful. This is something no one in the world has yet to create, but I plan to keep it a secret. I didn't want this invention to become a worldwide phenomenon or a groundbreaking project in the science and robotics field, so I've kept this concealed from everyone ever since I started building it. Yeah, I'm only seventeen years old, but I guess I can do great things. Anyways, right now, I stand here in my bedroom gazing upon a girl. At first glance, she'd seem normal. She has hair of the color gold, and her eyes shimmer of a baby blue hue. This girl, however, is my creation. She's a robot; a mere experiment. I know everything about her. I know her name, her "birthday", her base personality, her exact height, her exact weight, and what her voice sounds like. Of course, aside from her, I'm the only one with this knowledge. It brings a daft smile to my face. I recently installed new information into her system, so I wonder if she'll put it to use.
With a hint of hesitation, I reach to the back of her neck and roam my hand over it. Her activation switch should be somewhere around here.... Aha! I found it. If things backfire, I'll be sure to flip the switch to turn her off. I sigh. Here goes nothing.
She perks up into a more livelier standing position than she was in before.
I stay gazing at her.
Her eyes light up, signaling that she's fully functioning. Those blue orbs make contact with mine. "Hey!" The corners of her eyes crinkle as she starts to smile, "How's it going?" That's what she always says whenever she's activated.
I let out a sigh of relief while I remove my hand from its previous location. She's not malfunctioning. "It's going good." I should start testing out the new information I installed in her system. "Do you know my name?"
For a mere second, her eyes roam around my face. Sooner than later, she gives me a goofy grin and she cocks an eyebrow. "Duh, you're Gumi, my friend! What kind of silly question is that?" Friend. That's the only possessive word she knows.
I really outdid myself when programming her smile, for it's terribly contagious. "Right, sorry. Do you know where you are?"
She turns around, her eyes seeming to scan all parts of this room. Her hair sways when she turns to look back at me. "Isn't this your bedroom?"
"Mhm." I stay silent, trying to remember what else I installed in her.
She giggles, yet it sounds too robotic for me to call it such a thing, "You have a boyish room, you know that?"
I chuckle at her comment, "Yeah, I get that a lot." I finally remember the most crucial part of information I installed in her system. "Hey, look at me."
She does as I say. Her eyes sparkle with pre-programmed curiosity.
"Do you know who you are?"
Her eyes go dead as she seems to roam through her installed files. Once she's done, they light up again. "Um... yeah, why wouldn't I?"
Her personality sure is a fun one. "Can you tell me who you are?"
"Hmph.... I guess I can trust you, since you're my friend."
That makes me chuckle, even though I wrote those exact words out during her coding.
"I'm Rin Kagamine," she throws up a peace sign; her signature move, if that's the correct term, "I'm sixteen years old and I love to sing!"
I grin at her, "Can you sing me a song?"
"Yeah! What song would you like to hear?" With that, she lists all of the songs I've added into her library.

(a/n: if you didn't read the description, i'd recommend you go do so, that way it'll make more sense)

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