chapter 19

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Gumi... you have to go to school...." 

Leaning to my nightstand to turn off my annoying alarm, I almost agree with what that voice says, but then I remember something crucial for today. After disabling the alarm, I glance at the girl who's snuggled up in my arms, wearing the cutest onesie I've ever seen. "You have to go to school too, silly."

"Hmm...?" As Rin opens her eyes, my heart feels like it skipped a thousand beats. Her dazed morning face is always so adorable.... "You're blushing like crazy."

Hearing that statement snaps me out of my thoughts. In a playful manner, I quickly get out of bed and shrug, "I guess you'll just have to come with me to school if you want to see more of that!"

"No fair!" She whines. I give her a pleading gaze, but she doesn't budge from bed; the only thing she does is scoots herself so that her head is resting on my pillow instead of hers. She's being too cute this morning....

Suddenly, a bright idea pops into my head. I dart over to my closet and pick out a hoodie that I wore a few days ago to bed. "Hey, Rin?"

"Hm?" It comes out muffled, since she probably hid her head underneath the covers.

"Come out for a second, I have a deal for you."

"Make it sound good and then I'll think about it!" Typical Rin. Well... my typical Rin.

"If you come with me to school today, then I'll let you wear one of my hoodies."
"It probably got washed yesterday with your laundry... it won't even smell like you!"

Sometimes she's so blunt that it stuns me for a moment, and this is one of those times. I have to recollect my thoughts in order to accurately respond to what she said, "I guarantee you, it hasn't been washed."
She quickly pops her head up from underneath the blanket. With a sweet grin, she beckons for me to throw her the hoodie, which I do.

So, after changing our clothes and eating a rushed breakfast, we make our way to the bus stop. Of course, a certain purple haired boy is staring at us with a shocked countenance when we arrive.

He dramatically gasps and points at our intertwined hands, "You're holding hands!"

Rin speaks before me with a light blush on her face, "We are!"

"Gumi, this is your girlfriend?!"

The girl beside me keeps happily chirping up to answer Gakupo's questions, "I am!"

"You two are so cute together!" At this point, that boy is just fangirling.

"We are!"

Ah, now Rin has really done it. I partially cover my face with my free hand and look away, trying not to get them to notice my blush.

"Aw, you got Gumi to blush! That's so cute!"

"She is!"

Goodness... I'm such a fool for her.

The all-too-familiar sound of a bus driving up to the stop interrupts our mini question-and-answer session, but it gives the three of us a dilemma to face. I always sit with Gakupo, but now that Rin is here, will he be okay with me sitting with her instead?

"Psst, Gumi." He whispers... in a loud way.

I give him a questioning glance.

"Go steal the back seat with your girl, I won't bother you two."

My face starts becoming red again as Rin pipes up, "I'll take care of her, don't worry!"

The bus ride goes well; I give Rin the window seat, and Gakupo turns back to give us a thumbs up every now and then. Of course, me and my newly appointed girlfriend have some cuddly moments, but that goes untold to the bus driver! Finally, once we arrive at school, Rin is even more happy.

"There are so many people here, I love it!" Her puppy-dog eyes shimmer with glee, "I can make so many friends here!"

"I'm sure everyone's going to love you, Rin." With a pause, I snicker, "Maybe some of them will even love you the way I do."

"What should I do if someone does...?"

"Tell me who they are, and I'll take care of it." Of course, that's just a bluff, but I would get the smallest bit jealous if that ended up happening.

After a bit of silence, Rin speaks up again, "Gumi, is there someone else who loves you here?"

"Nope, and I'm glad. All I need is love from you, and I'll be happy for the rest of my life."

This time, it's her turn to blush.

Good things never last long though, because the teal-haired-devil's voice rang out from behind us, "Oh, so this is the chick you cheated on me with!"

I'm frozen in place, and so is Rin. Her eyes slightly change in hue depending on her emotions, and right now they're a sad, dark hue.

"You won't even try and deny it. See guys? I told you she was a liar." Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice a hand being placed on Rin's shoulder, "She'll cheat on you and throw you away just like she did to me, just give it a few months."

If Miku picked on me, then I'd be fine, but she just crossed a big line. With a quick movement, I turn around to face her, "Don't talk to Rin like that... you have no right to say that when all you did was play with my emotions!"

The teal haired girl yawned, "Boring. You got anything better?"
"Just leave us alone...." Rin mumbles.

"Look at Miss Perfect over here." Miku gestures towards the blonde, "Hmm... you're so perfect that I'd even think it's unhuman!"

My heart sinks, and I can tell Rin's has too. This first day isn't looking too good.... 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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