chapter 3

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(a/n: i know the information about miku might seem unimportant, but it'll be a contributing factor for the later chapters, plus i think it'll be easier to learn more about gumi's character by adding in these chapters where she's at school)

Everything feels wrong today. Early this morning, my dad went on a business trip to investigate a new type of human prototype, so he wasn't there to prepare my lunch or to leave cheesy notes on the whiteboard perched on our fridge. Miku hasn't come to visit me before any of my classes, and she hasn't talked to me during school at all so far, so she's clearly still upset about me neglecting her calls, and it was all for a stupid project I'm working on. No... not stupid. It feels strange to call Rin stupid; she's basically a friend of mine. Although, she can't feel emotions, so it's slightly controversial to dub her as a friend. Speaking of friends, Gakupo has been trying to cheer me up all day.

"Come on, you don't need her in your life!" He says, as if it's going to make me feel any better.

I stay silent, eating my self-made lunch. I certainly didn't get my dad's cooking skills.

"Gumi, you let her push you around too much."

I stop chewing for a moment, listening to his words.

"Do you know how many times she cheated on you? It's a big number."

My heart seems to sink at what he says, but I know it's true. In any other circumstance, I would've told him that we agreed to never bring that up again, but it seems foolish to try and push the facts aside now.

"Even though she spends every waking minute flirting with other people, she gets mad when you and I hug!" He sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder, comforting me to an extent, "Look, I get it. You love her, and I know it's hard to face the facts and let go of someone you cherish that much, but you have to do it at some point. If not now, then never."

I can't find the willpower to speak up.

He takes his hand off of my shoulder and leans back to eat his lunch, "That's just my two cents. You do what you want in your own time."

I've lost my appetite. I stay staring at my food. Why do I love Miku, and is it even love at this point? All we do is argue and bicker with each other... but things weren't like this before. Things were beautiful when we first started dating. She was a loyal, kind girl, but then it was like a switch had been flipped. I love the Miku from before, not the Miku now; if anything, I've grown to dislike the Miku in today's world.

What kind of person do I want to share a love with? Certainly someone kind... maybe even someone who'll tease me every now and then, for that always keeps things upbeat. I want her to be considerate of my feelings, most of all. I'd like someone bashful too; I've gotten fed up with assertiveness. The more I think about it, the more I'm unsure about what kind of traits I'd find appealing in someone, but I definitely know the basics. I wonder if I know anyone like that.... 

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