Chapter 7:

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At the Deen's office:

Deen: Hello students!

Everyone bow their heads. I observed Hasley and another guy there... They were also here.

Jenny (silent chatter) : That is Jason, Hasley's brother... Equally dangerous. He is from Emerald - green house as well, he is actually the leader...his element is Fire!

Deen: I am happy to see that we have 12 royal family students this year! I wanted to personally give the new students the mate pearl chain. Attach it to your wand...and never keep it away from you!

As new students me, Liz, Hasley (enemy girl), Samuel and Jenny move forward to take the chain kind of thing.

(Author's note: sorry for so many characters but you will get used to it also... For Hasley I've decided enemy girl and Jason (her brother who is leader of emerald house) enemy boy... I know it sounds crazy...but it's easier to remember!)

Y/N: It's a key chain! More like a wand chain!

I think I should'nt have said it out loud! Everyone stared at me!

Deen: You can call it like that... (chuckles) You are the jungle girl right?

Y/N: Jungle girl? I just play there! I live in a house! Like normal people! I am not a jungle girl!
I shouted with disgust. Everyone wanted to burst into laughter but I think no one did because of the Deen...but I don't get what is wrong with this Hasley! She laughed like there is no tomorrow! That made me angry!

Deen: Oh! Sorry... I saw you talking to animals in the forest... So I thought you live with them... Oh about your wand...

He had a bright smile which made him look kind...or whatever better than vice Deen! When he mention about my wand I gave him all my attention trying to listen to him keenly.

Deen: You need to find your mate quick! He can protect you from going into wrong path! Your heart may not be evil but the demons can have a hold of you... If you are from the royal family the demons wish to want you will increase... You have to be careful...

Y/N: Mate? A soul mate? Is that real... I mean what if I don't want one...

Deen: That is not your choice... It's the destiny's!

'Well I am not digesting this! How is it possible?I don't want any mate!' I thought to myself.

Deen: Well you have to digest it! You have to accept the destiny's will.

Y/N: How did... You can read my mind...? (widening your mouth)

Deen: I guess... (chuckles) Also Jenny it's sector 2 section B rack 5!

Jenny (silent chatter): Ah! What... How... Thank-you... (surprised)

Everyone looked at Jenny wondering what she was thinking!

Deen: Nate inform the other house leaders to take charge... You can go students.

When we left the room.

Liz (selfless queen) : What were you thinking Jenny?

Jenny (silent chatter): I was thinking where I would find the magic wand book... (giggles with embarrassment)

Y/N: This is creepy!

Nate (smart guy) : I hope you did not think of the party Noah!

Noah (rules slayer) : Nope!

Nate (smart guy) : What were you thinking about?

Noah (rules slayer) : nothing! I was sleepy! So my brain cells were numb!

Nate (smart guy) : Good!

Suddenly Hasley (enemy girl) puts her leg in Jenny's way for her to loose balance but Y/N stamps over her leg leaving her groan in pain.

Hasley (enemy girl) : You Idiot!

Y/N: Better watch your steps!  (smiles)

Rose (earth Elsa) : Good she is really annoying!

Liz (selfless queen) : Lol! That was savage!

Jenny (silent chatter): Thanks y/n.

Emma (ice cold princess): I like it! Alright let's go it's recess then we have the meeting.

Rose (earth Elsa): Yes miss punctual ice princess!

After the meeting and dinner it was already 7:30 so all of us quickly went to Rose and Emma's room. We had an awesome party there.

Y/n: I didn't know that you can make food from Magic! This is amazing!

It was 11:30 so we decided to go back to our rooms. Liz would get caught if she went to her room so she stayed with Emma and Rose. Jenny casted a spell on me which made be invisible.

Y/n : Woah!

Jenny (silent chatter): Hold my hand and don't utter a single word until we reach our room if someone hears us we will be dead! We can't see each other as well so don't get lost! If need I will talk to you with my powers but you cannot respond back... I mean I can't hear your thoughts...

Y/n: Telepathy? OK! Like the Deen? Kinda relieved!

Jenny (silent chatter): Ah! Why is there something you don't want me to know or hear? (pouts)

Y/n: who knows? (chuckles)

We slowly came out of their rooms and started walking to our room but suddenly the decor discipline maiden came for a round we got separated I thought she was on the other side of the corridor but she caught my hand again and started walking but she took me to another room? I did not speak because we would get caught... I heard her in my mind saying "stay calm...dont speak!" I think she did it to get away from the maiden! After she closed the door.

Y/n: Jenny? Where are we? This is not our room!

???: Who are you? Nate?

Y/n: You are not Jenny! Who are you?

To be continued....

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