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Next Day:

We woke up got ready and went to the class. My First Class was potion making.

At class:

I sat alone but the teacher shifted me beside Sam.

Teacher: This is your permanent place! Sam can help you...

You nod and shifted but Hasley looked annoyed or maybe discussed...

Sam POV:

Sam: Hey y/n. (smile)

Y/n: hey! (smile)

I am happy y/n is here... Bless this teacher otherwise Hasley would irritate me today also...

Hasley Pov:

What the! This idiot... If Sam stays around me...he will like me and I will be the ruler of this magical world! Ahhh!...

Y/n POV :

The class began. Sam was helping me with potions. It was a red potion which turned stones into gems but not for a long time. I slowly poured the potion onto the pebbles and closed my eyes. I opened little to see if it worked and Wow it did!!!! Amazing!

 I opened little to see if it worked and Wow it did!!!! Amazing!

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Sam: Good!

Y/n: Yheayyy! Thank-you!

The next class began it was the boring reading class... The teacher was explaining something about magical plants!

Ah so boring I am sleepy! Why do we even have such classes? If I was the principal I would cancel this class make it nap class or free class...sadly I am not!

We then had the magic wand class!

Teacher : Students we will practice yesterday's spell and then go to a new one.

Y/n: Luxin Lucerna!

It did not work again? I saw Sam moving his fingers and the candles lite up.

Sam POV :

Sam: Wow Good!

Y/n: I saw that...

Sam: Saw what?

Y/n folds her hands and narrow her eyes looking at my fingers. I gulp...

Y/n: Did you do it yesterday as well?

I hesitantly nods. Y/n frowns.

Y/n: Oh! And all along I thought it was me! Thanks anyways...

Teacher: Now let's learn to blow it off!

Student 1: Why can't I just blow it off like this?

He blew it off by blowing air from his mouth. Everyone laughs.

Teacher: What will you do if it's larger? " Succendam ignem! "

The teacher swung his wand and blew of all the candles...

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