Part 7

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- so we're done now you're free to go- said the professor
- thank god this was exhausting
- glad to be your mate too- said Richie and then he walked away
(Free period)
- so what happened- asked Bill
- nothing happened i don't know what you're talking about
- c'mon with Richie our new classmate
-Who ?
- He's in denial Bill give him time
- I'm not in denial
- and now he's in denial about being in denial - said Stan with a sarcastic tone
- Who are you now my psychologist?
- now he's in the state of anger, he's getting there
- you really know how to be annoying
- yeah that's what i'm here for,  you know
- yeah whatever
- you can talk about Richie with us there are gonna be no judgement here
- I knew that this would happen you know it's someone up there who's laughing about me right know
- now is bargaining, he'll start talking any moment
- thanks Stan now understand a lot better human nature- said Bill with a laugh
- but it can't be right ? I mean why me did i do something to deserve this? Why Richie why couldn't he be just part of the past why do i have to see him at school and sitting next to him during English is this some sort of cosmical joke ? Is this a punishment? Some sort of paying back for something I did?
- sadness and depression now there acceptance and we can finish this
- acceptance yeah sure acceptance of course I'm just gonna accept like it's not the end of my life and it's not embarrassing I'm far away from "acceptance"
- I'm some case destructive anger it's the solution before acceptance
- yeah got that Stan
- so Rich the boy you like is your mate in English
- yeah but he hates me so don't make it a big deal
- oh i'm not i'm just expressing facts while we take our lunch
- yeah okay and you expressing facts because
- to make conversation don't you wanna talk about him
- no i don't and i'd prefer if you didn't either
- seems like you're mad at me
- I'm not mad at you i'm mad at him
- why are you mad at him
- i said i didn't wanna talk about him
- what about talking "to" him
- what do you mean talking to him wait Bev we're are you going ?
- those are him and his friends right ?
- yeah so
- why don't we join them
- are you crazy ?
- oh shut up I'm just trying to help
- well don't
- too late
While I was eating my burger i saw a redhead girl coming at us she was a little scary but also had a funny look on her face
- Hi guys nice to finally meet you
- Who are you and why are talking to us ?
- don't be rude Stan, hi I'm Bill nice to meet you too...?
- yeah sorry I'm Beverly Marsh Bev for my friends
- hi Beverly we said
- so I was wondering can I sit with you guys ?
- sure
- can my best friend Richie sit with us too
I knew this was a trap I knew this is some other part of the cosmical joke right ? great
- it would be rude if we said no tell him to come and join
And Bill must be kidding now I know this sounds stupid but I have to say this day couldn't go worse

Author space
i enjoyed writing this chapter because i wanted to make it funny so no drama for now.

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