Part III: Chapter 16

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Madrid, Spain, 2008

Lupe was running late from agreed appointment.

Viviana had once again caused her drama for no reason and she hadn't been able to leave the house until she had calmed down. This was usually the case when she was drinking and oh boy, how the girl could drink, Lupe thought.

Viviana was the type of a woman who could easily drink a bigger marinero under a table, which was usually something they would laugh about and which had in fact, won them many free drunken nights in the past.

She was a tall and heavily built lady, which was an obvious sign she was able to handle large amounts of alcohol but with men, their egos wouldn't allow them to not accept a drinking bet from a woman resulting in free drinks for the group for the whole night. It had been fun and all for the past ten years however, this time Lupe was really getting bored with it.

The fun and entertainment part usually ended in the bar and resulted in aggressive behaviour at home. Lupe tended to send her home beforehand and make sure she would be back just after she had fallen asleep. However, on some very unfortunately occasions Viviana would stay awake waiting for her, drunk as a skank ready for an argument she many times was not able to even explain through her drunkenness and would end up roaring on the floor until falling asleep. Sometimes, she would wait for her sitting on the armchair in the entrance partly awake, long set of black hair mixed in a full ashtray next to her. Lupe was surprised she had never burnt her hair so far and only ended up reeking of smoke like a chimney.

She was tall, big girl and even though Lupe didn't consider herself fragile little lady, she got hurt most of the times. Obviously, it wasn't something she liked to advertise on the streets but still it was starting to annoy her more and more.

Viviana would insult her first, followed by nasty name calling and saying things she couldn't take back. Not that she even tried, Lupe though. She would hit her with her fists and pull her hair so hard Lupe felt her scalp was about to peel off. It was unimaginable pain but also reminded her how her mother had mistreated her and her sisters when they had been young breaking her childish heart again. When she would notice the words did not have the desired outcome, she would start throwing anything at hand, dishes and other small items. Luckily, the dishes were mostly commercial mugs and other cheap stuff as she wasn't much of a ama de la casa either, Lupe snorted. She would then try to calm her down and hold her hands from scratching her face, which normally didn't help at all and in the end, she would be chased on the streets from her own house like a dog resulting in sleeping outside in a park as she was too embarrassed to call any of her friends.

She hated every moment of it.

Despite having been heavy drinker herself for years, she simply couldn't stand drunk women. Drunk women were highly unpredictable and she had had a fair share of experience in those women.

The truth was she was overly bored with her and their life. She had always felt she didn't have much to share with the group she was hanging out but the life itself had forced her to the direction and there was no way getting out of it now. Even with Viviana, they had had good times and for sake of those good times she was willing to overlook her shortcomings just a bit longer.

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