Author Interview: @desrelly

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And now, an exclusive interview with the author of this masterpiece, 'Everything That Can Never Be' currently featured in our 'Holden - Bildungsroman' reading list: Kelsey Desmond, desrelly , for Avant-Pop!

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And now, an exclusive interview with the author of this masterpiece, 'Everything That Can Never Be' currently featured in our 'Holden - Bildungsroman' reading list: Kelsey Desmond, desrelly , for Avant-Pop!

How long have you been writing?

I used to write a ton as a hobby growing up, from the ages of 5 to 13 maybe, but I stopped as I entered high school, thinking that I wasn't really good enough to do anything with it. But three months ago, I felt that need to be creative, and I turned back to writing. And I'm completely addicted now!

Who are your biggest influences? What inspires you to write?

One of my biggest motivators to write is wanting to create a book that I would want to read. I have a very particular style of writing that I like to read. It's literary, contemporary, and realistic (slice of life sort of), and although I know that those works exist, it's so difficult to find them sometimes. I'm influenced by reading great works (like A Little Life) or great writers (like William Faulkner) and wanting to see more of that type of book. (Although I could never be as good as them!)

What's your biggest challenge/struggle as a writer?

I struggle a lot with feeling like I don't belong in the writing community. I didn't go to school for writing or English (I'm actually in medical school, and before choosing medicine, I studied voice professionally,) so sometimes I think that I can't consider myself a real writer. I compare my work often to others. Sometimes, works that I think are less well written than mine who do well. Sometimes, works that I think are far better written than mine, and I'm jealous that I can't be at that standard.

Who do you think your readers are?

This is such an interesting question! I never thought about this. I'd like to think that my readers are people like me. Free-spirited minds searching for intelligently crafted work.

What do you like to read outside of Wattpad?

Honestly, I'll read anything as long as it's written well. Some readers think the plot is the most important. To me, I couldn't care less what it's about. Just wow me with your words!

Have you given any thought to traditional publishing/self-publishing? If you tried, how did that go?

I definitely want to publish my book traditionally! I don't think I would go to self publishing route unless it was my last resort. I've heard that self publishing can be very difficult, as you have to promote your work all yourself. I'd love to be picked up by a big agent and a big publishing company. Total dream! (Haven't finished a book, though, yet, so I've yet to try. Wish me luck!)

Do you have a favorite or two out of everything you've written?

The only story I've been able to keep myself focused on after 1000 words is my book on Wattpad "Everything that Can Never Be." (Although, honestly, I don't love the title.) It means so so so much to me. I have such a personal connection to it, and I spend way too much time working on it when I should be actually studying for my exams!

How do you feel about readers in this age? Do you think now there are less people who read books than before? Do you think the demand of today's readers has changed?

I think readers in this age prefer fast paced things. People love 500-word chapters that you can read from your phone instead of a good 5000-word story that you can sit down and get yourself lost in. I think less people read fiction and more people read non fiction like self-help books and blogs and such. A total shame, because fiction is my favorite! Today's readers love having access to audiobooks, ebooks, things that can be read without necessarily taking time out of your day. But that's not to say I think the love for good literary fiction has changed. Just that people don't prioritize it.

Do you have any advice for Literary Fiction writers trying to find their place here on Wattpad?

Don't change your story because you think that it will fit better into mainstream Wattpad. There's such a high demand for stories like yours, and I'm sure that one day they will be promoted more. At the end of the day, you write your story for you, though. Make it something that you're proud of, regardless of the views or the votes or how many dedicated readers you have.

Give us three books you love from the real world and three books you love from Wattpad.

Real world: Absalom!Absalom!, A Little Life, All the Pretty Horses (I didn't mean to make all of them 'A' titles. Oops!)
Wattpad: Bright Midnight (DavidEAnderson100 ), Fury Is Born (houseofwisdom), Stillwaters (fictionalflyingfoxes)

Thanks so much for considering me for an interview! This is so much fun, and I'm so happy to have found this community <3

Thank you to Kelsey Desmond for participating!

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