dumpster date

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After getting his ass beat for pissing off Giorno, Mista decides to help calm down his donut haired boyfriend by taking him on a date. Mista tells Giorno about it, and he agrees to go. So on Friday, Mista takes Giorno to a fancy restaurant, or so Giorno thought. It turns out that Mista has a secret hangout in a dumpster. It's actually kinda cool though. Somehow there's an entire tv in there, along with a mini fridge full of mountain dew. There's also multiple game systems, like a nintendo switch, even though this takes place in the early 2000's, but oh well. Mista and Giorno were watching veggie tales when suddenly, the dumpster starts to shake. Apparently the garbage truck comes on Fridays, so they get thrown into the truck. Then Giorno beats Mista's ass for the third time because he's such a fucking dumbass.

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